First of all,


That mono red you get going is, eww, out of style. the only mono thing that looks good is black. so add some black or drop that red.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk


That military mono, with a full beard and cigar? slowpoke newsflash, guevara took that style to the grave. you're not bringing it back. trust me, sweety. just stop. speaking of, those soviet military outfits you got on ebay, leave them in your closet. people distrust uniforms. look at police, look at military, heck even businesspeople are dropping their rich people uniform. so believe me, when you come into a protest in a full commissar uniform, you're not making friends.

which bring us to


like, I know you're into that mass movement and left unity crack, but if you want to be my friend, you need to stop pretending you're smarter than me. idc how many theory you read, if you bring that up to me again or in front of my friends, we're giving you a wedgie, a flying wedgie, an atomic wedgie, a patriotic wedgie. and believe me you don't want a patriotic wedgie.


listen to me closely, listen to me well, changing your patriotism from a country to another doesn't make you an internationalist. it makes you a weaboo. nobody likes a weaboo. not even other weaboos. and i'm not going to pretend i like it so you don't feel like a creep. if you want unity, you have to say fuck china, fuck north korea. so burn that flag, renounce your nationality, destroy heir chairman


that admiration you have for these have to go, like 50 years ago. they played their part in history but were not good men. at the energy you spend trying to make people into the fanclub is ... huff... i'm out of words, you left me out of words. it's that awful. i don't a word to describe.

i don't want to talk anymore.

without further adieu