• TiredNerdDad@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    This is a turning point and I'm here for it

    Twitter, Reddit, Facebook => Fediverse

    Unity => Godot

    AAA Studios => Indie devs

  • IHaveTwoCows@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Thank you for poating more examples of capitalism being an absolutely miserable and abject failure at everything it claimed to do.

    The entire concept of "projected growth" and "company valuations" is the opposite of a market. Extraction of value is the opposite of creation of value... And stocks have repeatedly shown themselves to be entirely unrelated to the health if the company or value of it's products..if there even is an actual product.

    • lazyraccoon@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      I think the moon monkeys and GameStop showed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that modern stock markets have absolutely nothing to do with raising capital to support entrepreneurship.

      It's just a big casino, rigged so the house wins, and the only way to win is cheat the house using it's own rules.

    • aikixd@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Well, shares are company value, not product value. And companies are valued by their ability to create value. A terrible decision usually doesn't mean much, and share price fluctuation is mainly speculative in nature. A large company may survive a bad CEO, and create value down the road. Even a crashing company has value, as it may be split and sold with a profit, turning shares into cash.

      All in all, as much as I hate, EA for example, they have a strong position and can easily eat up failed releases for years to come. Many of their releases are payed off with only pre-orders.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Forgot WotC. They sent Pinkertons after a leaker and tried to drain every last dollar out of third party creators with their OGL update.

    • HornyOnMain
      1 year ago

      The invisible hand of the free market yet again proving how consistently good and efficient it is stonks-up o

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    When narcissistic CEOs believe so strongly in The Secret(tm) that they sell the rope and then expect the rope to have non-rope-like properties when leaping off the gallows and instead let them soar into bazinga heaven. galaxy-brain

  • Dame @lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Unfortunately and admittedly, we are the problem. These companies know that people pay for convenience and stick to what they know. If we were less likely to do so companies would have to raise their standards. Take Twitter for example, even with Musks over inflated numbers other sources indicate there's still hundreds of millions of Twitter users. They see all of the things Musk has done and it hasn't buried his business thus they are now taking pages out of his book.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Blaming individuals for not performing collective consumerist acts against corporations is liberal bullshit that only excuses corporate wrongdoing.

      EDIT: To spare other people from having to read the smug corpo clown buffoonery beneath this post, I'll put the most relevant part I wanted to stress up here instead:

      The eight hour day, the end of widescale child labor, the concept of minimum wage, and much more that improved the lot of the working class and of society as a whole were not the products of "vote with your wallet" nonsense. Slavery wasn't abolished in the United States (it still isnt if you count the prison system, and you should, but stay with me here) by cotton buyers coming together to only buy "ethical" cotton.

      • Dame @lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        It’s not liberal bs. It’s lazy thinking on your part and people are agreeing with you to shuck accountability. None of the services are essential services. We could easily drop them and it have nearly zero material impact on our lives. Spare me the BS. Just say you’re too lazy to pull away from comfort. People vote with their dollars all of the time. It’s also not liberal, there’s been conservative stances against businesses and corporations as well. As humans some of the biggest influences we have in society is our votes and our dollars. Quit being lazy and just state you’re fine with things as long as it doesn’t disrupt your comforts. That’s better than calling it “liberal”

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          It’s not liberal bs

          It is.

          It’s lazy thinking on your part

          No, blaming individuals for not coming together in some magical way and putting all the responsibility on them for what corporations do is your lazy thinking. Next you'll say that blood diamonds are entirely the fault of people buying them and not the DeBeers corporation enforcing artificial scarcity with them while performing atrocities at the same time, with the implication that atrocities just happen until a magical moment that people stop buying the artificially scarce diamonds, and because that is materialistically highly unlikely in the present system, that just allows smuglords like you to shame the masses while at the same time feeling idealistically superior to them while doing nothing.


          Stop saying "we." You are licking the boot and blaming the masses for not being as enlightened as you so you can feel superior to them.

          Quit being lazy

          Quit being a smug liberal bootlicker. smuglord farquaad-point


          • Dame @lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            It’s not liberal then what do you call conservatives that make the same decisions? You’re just weak. I love how you gloss over the protections of your comforts. It’s not lazy thinking to hold businesses and government accountable. How tf do you think we do that? People have protested, use their votes and used their dollars. YOU are the lazy one. I’m glad we live in a different world because people and those that agree with you would still have us in the slave days and civil rights wouldn’t be fought for at all. You do understand it was peoples protests, voting and their dollars that forced many of the major movements of the world right? Not people just waiting for businesses and governments to magically do the right thing. Having people ban together despite their comforts is not magical nor lazy. You are just weird.

            • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
              1 year ago

              Conservatives are liberals based upon the meaning of words. Do you know what liberalism is? It's not gay rights and lattes.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              1 year ago

              You've already showed your whole ass and at this point there's no meaningful way to continue replying to you. Continue tooting your self-aggrandizing horn of self-superiority and roll around on a unicycle like the corpo clown that you are. 🤡

              For anyone else reading this far, remember this: the eight hour day, the end of widescale child labor, the concept of minimum wage, and much more were not the products of the "vote with your wallet" masses-blaming clownishness you see above this post. Slavery wasn't abolished in the United States (it still isnt if you count the prison system, and you should, but stay with me here) by cotton buyers coming together and only buying "ethical" cotton.

  • Teapot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    CA recently released a DLC for Total War Warhammer 3 for $25, while the game is still a buggy, unbalanced mess. Folks were not happy, DLC sales definitely did not meet expectations. Burned through 7 years of good will

  • bullshitter@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Brands inherently has no value. It's the people that make these decisions. and after the management changes , people expect the same amazing product again but new management wants is profit.