I've heard that he's been doxxed and people are trying to get him expelled from the DSA?
As far as I can tell, it's for trying to dunk on someone with this tweet.
Is he in the wrong in some way I can't see, a victim of overreaction, or do I just not have the full picture?
I didn’t say it was the same. I said it was inverse. However when you take the inverse of something (in this case the inverse of what you think is bad segregation as opposed to good segregation) you are still doing so with respect to the original something. So your whole fantasy of woke-segregation is still fundamentally based on the practices of the oppressor.
Also you’re essentializing peoples’ role in society by ascribing their ontological position to a factor predetermined at birth rather than engaging in actual historical materialist analysis of the relations between peoples. Basing the new society upon racial distinctions is literally basing your society upon a racial contradiction. How can you hope to have a stable lasting social project when your very socious itself is based upon contradiction?
Much better to base it on the producing class for these reasons: contradiction between socially determined economic classes is actually resolvable in the sense that you can imagine a world of only producers. You cannot imagine a world of only blacks without removing the exception. that removal of the exception is what constitutes every genocide and every atrocity that happened bc people based their societies on fundamentally unresolvable contradictions.