Hey there, I’ve been listening to the podcast intermittently since mid 2018-ish but i only really went down the chapo rabbit hole a few months ago during lockdown. Thus far I’ve been following them on twitter, twitch and even bought the book on ibooks in a fit of quarantine boredom.

As a young communist girl living in a very right-wing environment it was very refreshing to see how i’m not alone in my views and in dealing with the burden of empathy for the oppressed. Honestly that got me curious on their take on other aspects other than politics. I hate how it sounds like i’m seeking therapy or self-help in the mental clarity and like-mindedness of the chapo guys, fyi i do see an actual psychiatrist and am on medication that saved my life. Still mental ilness has been a major part of my life and to this day it’s still a constant battle i’m fighting. So I can’t help but be interested in any insight or personal experiences the chapo crew could provide in that realm. I’ve been watching Matt’s “Mental health hour” on Twitch but I’ve never heard him talk about actual mental ilness there.

So I’d appreciate if you chapo veterans told me if they’ve ever put out that type of content and if so linked it here. Thanks in advance.