Pelosi will be House speaker for the next two years that’s pretty much it
It could have been stopped if three progressive House Reps voted no or sat out.
Which is why if anyone thinks we can do anything electorally through the Democrats they're fucking delusional.
I'm not one of those "electoralism is bullshit" people, I think it has value alongside other actions, but it's going to require a third party because the Dems are useless, prevent change, and aren't going anywhere.
Electoralism is only viable with an actual workers party. Playing bourgeois politics is just that. Playing
But it can act as a tourniquet to a gaping wound in a situation where a viable socialist platform is not going to be enacted tomorrow.
However not under the Dems. Under their leadership it's useless.
It never really was up for discussion but a few podcasters realized they could get clicks by blaming the Squad instead of the corporate democrats for it and it launched a million struggle sessions
No we should congratulate the squad for capitulating to the dem establishment actually.
the stakes here weren't nanci pelosi or AOC be the speaker, it was nancy pelosi gets confirmed on this round of votes & the entryists stay in office & keep working to make things slightly better OR nancy pelosi gets confirmed on the second round of votes & the DNC declares war on the entryists & they get ousted. They're infiltrating the highest offices of power in the seat of global empire, stop demanding that they suicide bomb the DNC for no gain just to prove themselves to you
They already declared war on them; from Pelosi’s perspective it’s simply not politically expedient for her to highlight the cracks in their party right now, as she’s re-asserting her leadership. Dems are doing all they can inwardly to oust the squad already just short of an outward, explicit feud. That won’t change regardless of what AOC or whatever left leaning Dem does. Their only real use is publicly and loudly identifying the cracks in the party to build the mesh of cognitive dissonance and make it theoretically a little easier to convert libs to leftists, to grease the wheels of organizing. They can’t actually accomplish productive change from within the party as a consequence of its structure
Implying that Pelosi isn't gonna primary all of them anyways lol where do you dogs come from?
they could be doing more to keep them out of power than pouring money into their challengers, like they did to Sanders.
Pelosi will endorse in primary challengers in the Senate, but not within the House
Yep. M4A might have been 3 years away but now it looks like 10 at best.
All those healthcare insurance jobs in Delaware are save for a bit longer.
Maybe the working class will be able to unite and fight for higher wages & healthcare on their own class terrain, to where they won't need to wait 10 years for M4A =)
It means they think that getting a roll call of votes will lead to a massive 100+ seat primary seat flipping bonanza that leads to M4A being passed after the midterms
So, we're just ignoring the fact that Virgil (who is dead) is a CIA asset?
I thought Felix Beiderman was the deep cover agent, what with his 300 confirmed kills.
I thought Will was the CIA asset what with his Grandpa poisoned Trotsky in Mexico.
It's not tbh. There would be absolutely no reason to vote present initially besides to push for some kind of concession if you are going to ultimately vote for her rather than block it. I can't imagine it was just a bluff called unless those five are complete idiots to alienate themselves for no reason.
They got primaried, they got slandered, and they got their committees yanked.
Pretty sure we're past alienated.
And they got a concession -- PAYGO was scrapped.
It's also important to note that forcing a second ballot =/= booting Pelosi. If you force a second ballot, you just re-do the vote, and you can repeat that process until someone moves. There were something like 40 ballots in a Speaker election in the 1920s. In that sort of a situation, it would be super easy for Democrats to turn the liberal media complex against progressives and blame them for stalling out the government.
Does anybody know what concessions they got or was it just pure theater?