Yes, of course, Warren is a snake. She should be shunned by anyone left of radlib for lying about Bernie and doing everything she could to tank his campaign...

BUT... she also wasn't relevant in terms of votes and she wasn't the reason Bernie lost. Or at least, she was way down there at like #9 on the list. It feels like a lot of Bernie supporters kinda want it both ways. They want to put a lot of the blame on Warren for Bernie losing but also want to mock her for only getting like 17 votes. She got third in her home state. But it's one or the other. Either she's irrelevant and no one voted for her, or she killed Bernie's campaign.

I get the argument that she should have endorsed Bernie when it was clear she wasn't going to win and Bernie at least had a shot (and he could have used it after Obama put his finger on the scale). Of course she should have, if she had any real leftist principles - but she doesn't, because she is a snake. And I dunno, I don't know if you can expect people to just drop out. Every single politician has a massive ego (even Bernie) and they play to win the game. If we ever get to a place where AOC and Rashida both want to run for president, I don't expect them to sit down together and politely discuss who should run. It's a competition and these are competitive people.

  • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
    4 years ago

    This is great info. If you look at my comment below, it was all Warren’s to lose and she fucking blew it. Because she blew it we have nearness bias, but the impact on bernies campaign was insurmountable.

    • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Not sure I'd go as far as to say it was Warren's to lose (She never had any Black support - Biden would have massacred her in South Carolina and beyond), but she absolutely blew what should have been at least an easy second place.

      • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Well, the primary was hers to lose. There is a path to victory without black support, which arguably she could have had but fucked up from the get go with her white upper middle class oriented campaign. Had she swept the first three states, South Carolina wouldn’t have mattered. She would 100% lose black votes to trump, and would have lost to trump. No question. It’s not a conclusive “Warren would have won” but she had the path to victory

        • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Definte agree that Trump would have taken her behind the woodshed had she won that primary lmao. That election would have been embarrassing to watch.

          • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
            4 years ago

            I mean, Covid may have changed that a bit, but had we not had Covid it would have r/cringeanarchy material