The cool people now leaving were happy in the old sub but not here. Why?

Btw "meta" posts should go here or in userunion?

  • Jorick [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Pretty much. When half of the posts in the feed were sparked by one exchange in particular (a boiling point for some users apparently, but still), I'd say it'd more something the admins should deal with discretely, than take it the site at large. The more threads there will be, the more this will drag on, the more the site will suffer by this. If some people need to be banned, then off they go, if rules need to be reminded to the forum, then let it be so; just handle the drama privately and let it not become 50% of the content for the last two days.

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      idk i just see even talking about it this way as stupid its an internet forum take it up with the admins theyll make a post and keep it in that thread its basic hygiene