The cool people now leaving were happy in the old sub but not here. Why?
Btw "meta" posts should go here or in userunion?
legit dont give a fuck about the drama everyone needs to shut up and get back to shitposting
Pretty much. When half of the posts in the feed were sparked by one exchange in particular (a boiling point for some users apparently, but still), I'd say it'd more something the admins should deal with discretely, than take it the site at large. The more threads there will be, the more this will drag on, the more the site will suffer by this. If some people need to be banned, then off they go, if rules need to be reminded to the forum, then let it be so; just handle the drama privately and let it not become 50% of the content for the last two days.
idk i just see even talking about it this way as stupid its an internet forum take it up with the admins theyll make a post and keep it in that thread its basic hygiene
close the site for 3 days as a completely serious decision to get everyone to chill out a little bit. another post is blowing up on stupidpol, can we just skip the drama before this site collapses? lmao
No, I don't want to stir shit, I just really want all people to be cool and nasty people to leave or at least behave.
You know I've never like the concept of a megathread, and I do have some thoughts on Discords.
Inside any online community are two wolves locked in eternal struggle. The personality based wolf and the content based wolf.
when i was only lurking r/cth, the 1st struggle session ever was about power users - russian_grey_wolf and cummies apparently had too much name recognition, and that was bad for the subreddit.
also yes i did find this by namesearching cth3.
You take that back right now, whippersnapper
I waited until i found out about this site later cause fuck discord
There were a lot of subsects on the old sub
- People who listened to the podcast vs. people who didn't care about it at all
- People who primarily chatted in the mega thread (starting last February)
- the New-sort people
- people who sorted by Hot
- People who only browsed from their Reddit front page (I think they were a stabilizing force,since the most online of us browsed the chapo sub exclusively)
tag yourself! I obly browsed chapo (mostly) to just look at memes. When Hot runned out I went to New but it was really shitty anyways. Never watched the podcast and never interacted in the megathread.
This was me except I'm an avid listener. New was full of so many reposts.
i was one of the few "rising" gang. all the benefit of new gang with a little bit more filtering
im pretty sure @ecosoco could explain more, there was definitely some drama on the old sub but I've forgotten what it was tbh
Moderators enabling it.
The old mod didn't give a shit and that worked pretty well to keep people from descending into days long drama debacles with ban purges and disabling upvotes over inane shit
Well about that, if the subreddit didn't needed bans to keep idiots out, why .chat doesn't have the same "resilience" to dickheads?
Different mod team, but it was also on reddit which means it was impossible to insulate it from bigotry. Here, people think that’s possible and are currently going to great lengths to do so. One way or another the guiding philosophy is clearly different, for better or worse.
It's entirely down to the mod team. The mod team here was first filtered through whoever was online enough to get to the Discord in the day that we knew the sub would be banned, then stayed in the Discord for a month and became a mod there, then who managed to stay through the extreme immaturity and pettishness of Discord drama, then became mods here, wanting to police this community of like 200 posters.
Bad decision making led to a toxic moderation team from the core-out, and with every one who leaves it continues to filter for the purely worst options. Then that trickles down to how the site behaves and is shaped.
My understanding is that the others were burnt out, and Beatnik was one of the less experienced mods. I think that we've done a good job of moving past them, but obviously there's been a ton of shishows along the way, and I expect there to be more.
Beatnik never really was a CTH mod, he modded there for like a month or so before it was banned iirc
He's good but gives in to pressure from the rest of this terminal mod array so much that it ends up dissolving the userbase of this site because why the fuck would anyone want to wade through this
Ya not meant to trash on our comrade by any means. None of us particularly want the job, and as much as people have criticisms of the mods, I don't really see anyone call for them to step down (that would be over the top). I think users will come and go, I know I've had times where I've almost left (either the old sub or here), but it ended up being a long and healthy break from poisoning my brain with this sort of shit.
Not to say that I want to see users like Cass or some of the folks who left while we were transitioning from the Discord leave permanently, they were/are great comrades and I hope to post again with them.
I maintain it is because this site prioritizes "active" posts instead of popular yet uncontroversial posts
The algorithm here is tailored to be much faster paced with posts expiring after like 30 minutes, it caters to the people who spend hours of their day here and not normal people that tune in to check what the front page is once a day.
So that drives away normal people you need for a site to function like Reddit does and promotes the type of people that fight over whatever has led them to turning off downvotes sitewide
100% When there were like 5000 people here it made sense since the same posts would be on the front page all day but now it makes more sense to go back closer to how it was.
Yeah, I think the ideal is for the default "Hot" to show content for the "checks the frontpage once a day" crowd, and have the "Active" and "New" sorts for the Very Online of us.
The cool people now leaving were happy in the old sub but not here.
I don't know if that's the case. The old sub was implicitly a safe-ish space for marginalized users, because terfs/nazis would get dunked and clowned on and either look incredibly dumb (and by extension, discredit their worldview) or stay away. This website is trying for a more explicitly safe space approach, which is also fine, but it's going to attract a somewhat different audience and drive away a segment of the old subs audience who do not like that approach.
I think 70% of so of the resultant drama could be eliminated if the purges weren't cloaked in the language of a moral crusade but instead took on the sterile and aseptic language of corporate downsizing. If the explicitly safe space approach hackles a user, that doesn't necessarily make them a TERF or a bad person, but it does make them a bad fit for the community the admins are intent on running, and they can be disinterestly shown the door.
I thought the sub was meaner to trolls to be honest. I don't know if I havent been online enough but I feel like I saw way worse trolling/raiding in the sub than I have ever seen here, because I remember myself and others personally harrasaing/being weird to the trolls.
Ban evasion was also more difficult on r*ddit, here it probably takes longer to ban someone than it does to whip up a new account.
Could something like this make sense?
I'd agree in this case, especially as a lot of the drama seems to be from people being unjustifiably banned which if we had good ban evasion would actually make it worse. It's more of an issue for drama in general as it does allow for repeat offenders to easily come back and keep stoking flames.
Yes. This and not even cooldown time between comments and posts are serious weakness
There were a lot more normal people in the old sub and that naturally drowned out this level of neurosis that can happen in a more insular community
There was better moderation, less hornyposting overall, and people were becoming steadily more left on the old servers. Most "leftists that read theory" wouldn't participate here bc of the slop, so there are less teachable moments overall.
That's just the way * I* see it.
this is far far nore left than the sub which was borderline social democrat most times
I agree, but I think that this site has a lot of shitposting elements.
After the last two days I have realized for all his mistakes rebr0 was correct about a lot. The De-rebr0ization campaign was a mistake /s
I've found that on the whole the hornyposting has been a generally positive thing - either you're not horny and it's funny to laugh at or you're horny and you can indulge in getting hornier while reading it. Then again, if it became too dominant then it probably would get annoying
The subreddit also ratio’d the trolls immediately because their views aren’t actually as common as they seem given how many trolls are here. I think there is a baseline level of people who will go and troll that increases less quickly than the size of the community does
I won't speak to comparisons between the old sub and this space, but I used to be in this old forum that was large for its time (pre facebook) which dwindled over a period of 10+ years until I left. during that time it went through lots of mod team shifts, changes in owner involvement and eventually a change in ownership.
I think less traffic and user content makes personalities and conflicts stand out a lot more, in general.
full disclosure I was banned, but in my defense it was because the team had grown obsessed with making everyone feel welcome, including (especially) reactionary assholes with vile opinions... which it just so happened the new owner had too.
in short, that town got too "civil" for this cowboy.