so much good content came out of the last 4 years, it's gonna be hard to top. Especially cause Biden is just so goddamn creepy and weird. Then again, some of the shit Kamala says like that PELL grant thing she tried to do is beyond any satire and parody a person could come up with.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I liked Trump as absurdist comedy. He was like an unironic Tim and Eric or Eric Andre character, a crude parody of a person being inserted into normal situations. Hating him took on the mythical quality of hating a Hapsburg, and even if I viscerally hate him it's at least coupled with the rules of normal reality being broken in a funny way.

    Biden and Harris are like SNL characters parodying the white old conservative politician and the younger but uninspiring and unpopular politician. Joe the character can be made funny, E1's three Joe Bidens in a room was funnier than any satire of Trump I've seen in the past four years and is one of my favourite podcasts ever, but Joe the person isn't funny to watch outside of the rare instances where his handlers aren't at his side and he threatens to fight a supporter. Even when he does that it's like he's someone a generation older than Trump doing a bad impression of that young whippersnapper in the white house. The cartoonish depravity of Kamala's Pell Grant thing was funny but she's insufferable to watch. Her sociopathy is overshadowed by her desperate attempts to make people like her but her entire personality is a PR firm's frankenstein monster. Put them in a room and they just act like a demented neoliberal and a power-chasing prosecutor, any other generic ghoul in Washington.

    • threshold [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Excuse me, I'm speaking. Anyway, Fracking will not be banned. And that's on PERIOD.

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      4 years ago

      oh yeah that E1 ep is pretty good. I remember listening to this and like 10 minutes in i couldn't stop

      • happybadger [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The patreon E2 one was almost as good. I should resubscribe for their Joe Biden christmas special.