People who harass our trans members in DMs?

People who insist, in bad faith, that there isn't any transphobia because they don't personally see it?

People who get foaming-at-the-mouth angry at new efforts to root out transphobia?

We're better off without them.

This site gets with worse with every trans user who leaves because of transphobia, and I hope that we can make this a site where that no longer happens.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah. Open internet forums will never stop being abusive places. I honestly think we should have trans people "mod the mods" instead of having to directly dig through the fucking poison from raiders as well as subtler shit from non-raiders.

      What I mean is a cis mod, someone who isn't personally hounded all day by this vitriol and gaslighting, and isn't personally worn down to nearly the same degree by it, should be sifting through reports. And then a trans/enby mod should evaluate their judgement of posts occasionally so that they can handle the subtle shit as well as the blatant shit.

      Like, there is literally no chance that the modlog will ever be remotely healthy for TransComrade69 to spend so much time having to stare at. Fuck that