Supply chains are being disrupted in the USA and I feel like no one has talked about it since the initial shortages in March. Grocery shelves barren all the time of stuff that was in abundance before

Idk, worrying

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    4 years ago

    In Denmark we had a few days of shortages due to panic buying at the start of the pandemic. For a few days meat, dairy, yeast and toilet paper were hard to come by but once people realised that supplies were continuing as normal they stopped panicking. Stores rationed baby formula for a few months afterwards and OTC drugs are still rationed to one package per type of drug per customer. Hand sanitizer were in short supply for a while until production was scaled up.

    During the pandemic I have noticed weird specific shortages, like for a month or two it was impossible to find cumin, even in the middle Eastern store where I use to buy spices. Currently there seems to be a shortage of sesame seeds. Other specific shortages might exist but I haven't noticed.

    In general Denmark is one of the better managed capitalist countries and we've been cushioned from shortages. The government had emergency plans ready and worked with the food industry and unions to avoid panic, keep the stores stocked and avoid price gouging.

    The panic buying days were a little scary. In a few isolated stores fights broke out and the police was called. It was a reminder of the old saying that civilisation is only af few meals away from anarchy.

    • Marsala [they/them]
      4 years ago

      It was a reminder of the old saying that civilisation is only af few meals away from anarchy.

      If only...