Without further revisiting 90 minutes that I'll stand by should be erased from memory, I believe that's accurate. Put well by another in that thread:
Man "I feel betrayed by my fake podcast friends" is a very silly feeling, yet here I am
I was mad, then I remembered it's a comedy podcast by some Twitter personalities and if we're doing it right they're not going to be leading the vanguard, especially not if they can't recognize tailism.
Did Amber actually claim the literal police part in police state is working class? This sucks lmao
Without further revisiting 90 minutes that I'll stand by should be erased from memory, I believe that's accurate. Put well by another in that thread:
I was mad, then I remembered it's a comedy podcast by some Twitter personalities and if we're doing it right they're not going to be leading the vanguard, especially not if they can't recognize tailism.
Honestly the pod is a vestigial part of this community anyway.