The WHO chartered something called the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, and yesterday they released their second report. It's not too long, so I read the whole thing to judge for myself how bad the headlines are. Here's my summary of its contents:
The whole world was totally unprepared
Measurements like the Global Health Security Index turned out to be bullshit
Social media has created an infodemic
Inequalities everywhere have been exacerbated
Poorer countries are unjustly being left without access to PPE and vaccines
Precarious and informal workers in wealthy countries are suffering disproportionately
"Public health containment measures should have been implemented immediately in any country with a likely case. They were not."
Some countries (unnamed) sacrificed public health and lives to make the line go up
Overall, the Asia-Pacific countries and the Africa CDC have been doing a decent job
The global supply chain is weak
The WHO should have used the term "pandemic" sooner than March
The WHO is underfunded and forced to waste too much time fundraising
Also buried in the report is this single criticism of China:
Public health measures could have been applied more forcefully by local and national health authorities in China in January.
Guess which parts the Western media chose to focus on?
CNN: China and WHO acted too slowly to contain Covid-19, says independent panel
The Week: Independent panel slams China and WHO over Covid-19 response
AP: China, WHO should have acted quicker to stop pandemic
Sydney Morning Herald: 'Signal was ignored': Independent inquiry criticises China and WHO over COVID
Seattle Times: Panel: China, WHO should have acted quicker to stop pandemic
Remember when the imperialist media was criticizing China for acting too aggressively and authoritarian with its lockdowns? Lmao
All this imperialist media claiming China should have "done more" at the start of the outbreak... I'm really looking forward to the next time we get something big like COVID-19 only this time it comes from a factory chicken farm in Arkansas. The US government will do nothing other than try and cover it up as much as possible and doing virtually nothing about it once they can't cover it up any more; and the same imperialist media saying "China should have done more" will say "there's nothing we could have done to stop this" when the tables are turned on the US.
it will hit and subsequently be reported by china before the us sounds the alarm.. still not convinced that didn't happen in some way this time around
China should have alerted us sooner, so we could ignore the problem longer of course.
"China should've alerted us sooner so that we could've taken stronger measures earlier!"
"We can still take strong measures now!"
They will criticize China for not properly inspecting the meat they import from the US or some shit
Pandemic preparedness financing has been treated as a cost rather than an investment, and as a result has been neither secure nor sustainable. In relation to response, it appears on preliminary evidence considered by the Panel that financial mechanisms at the global level were too slow and uncoordinated to provide the necessary financial support to enough countries in a timely fashion to enable them to escalate their responses and to mitigate pandemic impacts sufficiently. There has been a lack of ignition funding and risk capital to accelerate R&D and manufacturing. Weaknesses in the financing infrastructure also extend to WHO, which finds itself required to engage in perpetual fundraising efforts, to the detriment of its ability to concentrate on the delivery of its core priorities, including in pandemic preparedness and response.
So, of course, the US pulled its funding to the WHO to punish them for not having enough resources.
Isn't it amazing how all of these "independent" news organizations from around the anglosphere all seem to come up with the exact same take on this news story?
Some years ago before the collapse of the Soviet Union, a group of Russian journalists came to Britain and the United States, and they were astonished to find after reading all the newspapers and watching all the television, that all the opinions were the same on all the vital issues.
"Now in our country," they said to their host, "to get that result we have a dictatorship. We imprison people. We tear out their fingernails. Here you have none of that. How do you do it? What's the secret?"
Well the secret, of course, is that propaganda in liberal democracies, like America and Britain, is much more thorough than in dictatorships and totalitarian states. No imprisonment is required, no loss of fingernails is called for. There is another, far more effective way. Unlike totalitarian states, the conformity of information and opinion is insidious, its sameness implicit, ingrained, and even celebrated.
---John Pilger
We have long since entered the era where Problems have become Global and yet we are still all jerking off in our little nation states. 200 wildly different solutions for 1 big ass problem. And anything that could step up and fix shit is deliberately defanged and forced to do bake sales for funds. Basically what I'm saying is that we need a global government and global planned economy or we are fucked. Maybe if the Soviet Union had won the cold war this could've happened lol
I tried pointing out to my dad that we had no capacity to deal with this even before Trump. He says that's not true. It's because of Trump that people were so bad about masks and distancing. Apparently being told you're on your own so you better be careful is a functioning public health system.
At least he doesn't blame China, but he probably will after he reads about this in the New York Times.
That just proves that a more robust public health system is worthless. No, I will not recognize any details that might offer meaningful context.
western media keeps flip flopping on whether China is locking down too much or not enough
if there's still literally any plague, its not enough, but they want their cheap exploitative electronics damn your non-white lives, so it's too much.
see? it can be both at once, no flipping required.
Excuse me, the working Russian people (+ 30-odd other ethnicities) saved the world from fascism. Stalin just didn't impede them.
uwu oopsie whoopsie we did a fucky wucky! A wittle fuccko boingo! The pandemic monkeys at our headqwarters are working vewy hawd to fix this!!Measurements like the Global Health Security Index turned out to be bullshit
Super cool that covid is just the Spanish flu redux, even down to blaming the first country to report it even though it was in other countries before it.
Panel members:
Former PM of New Zealand
Former President of Liberia
Former minister of Finance for Colombia/economist.
Diplomat/Pan african activist/feminist
Professor/Health Diplomat/Former Head of the Global Fund*
Professor/Health Diplomat/Former Head of the Global Fund*
Former International President of MSF*
Former Director-General of Health/Health Diplomat**
CEO and President of the International Rescue Committee
Former Executive Director of UNFPA
Former Secretary of Health, Health Policy Maker**
Former President of Mexico/Economist
Professor, Medical Journal Editor**
- mentions they are actually a doctor
** doesn't mention it but they seem to have related credentials at least.
So out of 13 members of the Panel, 3 doctors (2 from the same agency) and 3 others who at least have related experience.
They have cbsn on at my work while I’m waiting for my clients to get here and they’re talking about it rn.
Apparently China didn’t contain the virus fast enough now. I thought they were horrible dictators that would kill you if you stepped out of your front door?
i mean, yeah, china fucked up. they could have handled it before it was a problem if they were less of a totalitarian propagandist hell.
but then some people decided to deliberately breed it, like a god damn puppy mill of plague. because some places just refuse to be outdone when it comes to being hell.
Idk it seems to me like they were expending tremendous amounts of effort on stopping the virus from pretty early on, before Italy started to get really bad anyhow, and that those efforts paid off and they essentially dealt with uncontrolled spread there. If there was an initial sluggishness due to them being lying chicom authoritarians as you suggest then it wasn't enough to hold them back when it came to what really mattered in terms of keeping your population safe from a plague.
as soon as they got past the initial "shut up stop making us look bad" they went at it like a real problem. people died, and initial whistleblowers were jailed/killed.
its not in the top ten worst responses, but it was a VERY bad start and you shouldn't fucking defend that. public health should take priority over reputation. always.
I was ignoring online China discourse at the time because it was gross, so I might not have been paying close enough attention, who did they jail and kill for this coverup?
i don't even remember. I mostly ignore states on the default assumption that they're all trash, and my brain does not have space for all the victims of state violence. one of the first doctors to speak out about it if I recall.
You're coming at this from somewhere else, an anarchist perspective which I respect is more coherent so I'll take your word for it (F to the doc) but let me just say where I'm coming from:
At my usual break table at work, we were talking about the pandemic a fair amount back then. I have a friend at this table, very good friend but not what you would typically consider 'intelligent', in fact, whatever the nicest word for the opposite is. And they would talk about the pandemic in China, with info from social media, and it was full of stuff like, they're executing people in the streets, they're covering it up, they're burning bodies, killing doctors, etc etc. And literally any followup would lead a similar place: "I don't know the name, or the name of the city, I don't know when it happened, but trust me bro, I saw it somewhere, don't remember where, but it was horrible". Sometimes they would show me videos, almost universally mislabeled ones, maliciously mislabeled ones. This was in March when surely the coverup must have stopped. So I try to filter through vague and scary claims, because (unlike you) the people telling my work buddy all these things online were not doing it out of some love of the truth, they were just using it as a excuse to be racist.
Someone else remembered the doctors name anyhow, gonna read into it
oh absolutely; no reason to trust bullshit capitalist sources, and there's a lot of propaganda. sorry, im just used to uncritical defenses of the PRC, which I don't consider even remotely okay post-deng (communist siege mentality isn't great, but after you drop the communism, it's just general capitalist imperialism with better sauce and a little less violence).
and of course they were fucking burning bodies! what the fuck else do you do when you have plague dead on that scale!?
I meant like piling them up and torching the pile rather than cremation.
What whistleblowers were jailed or killed? Stop citing this "common knowledge" bullshit.
names were referenced elsewhere. stop defending a shithole that creates billionaires at the expense of the people.
China’s people are really happy with their government precisely because their economic growth hasn’t been “at the expense of the people”, the people have benefitted tremendously from the policies of their government.
k. americans five years ago were also mostly happy with their government. people are stupid and easily fooled by something as pervasive as a state. and you can't claim its 'not at the expense of the people' if there are billionaires. which there are.
Americans five years ago were also mostly happy with their government
First of all, no the fuck they weren’t lol, but I guess whatever the fuck you need to say to hold on to your “China bad” brain worms. I’m talking about things like a 10 year study showing 95% satisfaction with the government, show me anything remotely comparable for the US or other comparable capitalist state.
It’s not at the expense of the people because life has gotten better in leaps and bounds for the people specifically because of the same policies that produced billionaires, the existence of billionaires in and of itself being regrettable. Do you seriously think if given the choice of undoing all the reform and opening up policies which allowed China to build world class infrastructure for the people and eradicate extreme poverty they would jump at that opportunity because “hey at least there wouldn’t be any billionaires 😡”. This is just clueless.
Yeah, I'm sure China could have done better---because there is always room for improvement and nobody is perfect---but their response has been lightyears ahead of the West's and so singling them out for criticism is ridiculous. Although I am curious what you think "totalitarianism" and propaganda had to do with it.
so to quote another reply to me:
at the beginning of the pandemic in Wuhan, local officials&doctors downplayed covid (and fudged the numbers probably) to probably avoid a negative response and/or punishment from the central government.
some of whom were jailed for trying to blow the whistle any organization that does this should be named and shamed. fuck them.
and then go to the SECOND HALF of my comment.
You're probably referring to the Dr. Li saga. There was a lot of misinformation about that.
Dr. Li Wenliang was an ophthalmologist working at a hospital in Wuhan that was seeing an influx of patients at the very start of the pandemic, before people knew it was a new disease. He didn't treat viral pneumonia because that wasn't his specialty, but he could tell that something was wrong. The hospital knew something was wrong too, so they contacted the WHO and sent viral samples out to laboratories for identification. He knew he was in the middle of something big. He texted a few of his friends from medical school that his hospital had treated seven patients with a SARS-like disease originating from the same seafood market in Wuhan. He also told them to keep it to themselves because he didn't want to start a panic.
The next day (2019-12-31) the laboratory results came back, and the Chinese government and the WHO made an announcement that the outbreak was a novel virus. But Dr. Li's friends had already spread the news around town, and police were already investigating the rumor. Three days after the discovery of the virus was announced, the local police in Wuhan contacted Dr. Li and charged him with creating a public disturbance. He was like "Are you stupid? The government just announced that the virus is real! How can I it be a crime if I told the truth?" And the police said "Look, buddy, I don't know about no science because I'm just a meathead cop. But I do know that it's not your job to make public health announcements like that, real or not." And the cop charged him with "making false comments on the internet", which carried a $75 fine. But they dropped the fine in exchange for him signing a letter saying "I pwomise not to do it ever again." And he posted a photo of it to the internet, saying "lol look at this dumb shit they made me sign just for saying something that turned out to be true" 🙄.
He was understandably pissed off. He went back to work at the hospital the next day. Three days, he was seeing an eye patient who had COVID but didn't know about it, and he was infected. At this point in time (2020-01-06) still no one had died from COVID. The first COVID death occurred on 2020-01-11. At about that time, Dr. Li started showing symptoms, and he died about a month later. Then two months after that, the Wuhan police issued a retraction and publicly apologized for charging Dr Li with a crime, and they said they punished the cop who charged him. That's it. That's the Great Chinese Corona Cover-Up. Every time you see an American politician talking about how China must be held accountable for covering up the virus, that's the substance they're referring to. People were saying all sorts of crazy shit like the Chinese government purposefully killed him with COVID, or disappeared him, etc.
Apparently China passed a new law to protect whistleblowers like him in the future, but as you can tell from the timeline of events, Dr. Li didn't slow down or speed up the response to the virus, and he wasn't blowing the whistle on any administrative wrongdoing. He was punished (wrongly) for making comments at a time when things were already unfolding quickly and transparently, and he was on the sidelines of the events.
and then go to the SECOND HALF of my comment.
Yes, I understood and agreed with the second half of your comment.
also, wihle I recognize western media spouts bullshit propaganda about their capitalist cousins to the east, I don't trust literally any positive thing I hear about mainland china from this website, unless its about, like, culture (food/architecture/music/etc) or good hiking spots or something. there are a lot of people who are uncritically that, and it very much bothers me. its like some weird mirror of reddit, and its super annoying that I can't find good honest sources.
BUT on this, after a quick web search; there was at least one named journalist and at least one named doctor who were arrested for it. references to others, but I didn't see names. cut the shit. no government with billionaires is worth this kind of uncritical loyalty.
that's the thing, there is no reliable information, but it's a state, and one with billionaires, so it's generally safe to assume the shittier thing is the truth.
there was at least one named journalist and at least one named doctor who were arrested for it.
Far be it from me to question your quick web search skills, but what were the names?
no government with billionaires is worth this kind of uncritical loyalty.
I'm willing to criticize China, I just need more substance than "I read some article but I don't remember" before I do so.
dr li wenliang (arrested, not just fined, then died of it), along with multiple articles referencing as many as nine unnamed others, and zhang zhan for pointing out that they did that and taking video of the cover up in early stages before they properly locked down. which, to be fair, they DID eventually do.
but I'm quite done here. I don't have confidence you can engage in good faith on this subject, or any where your favorite oppressive capitalist shithole is involved, and if I wanted to deal with this shit I'd go to r/sino.
dr li wenliang
My entire comment above is about Dr. Li.
Never heard of Zhang Zhan before, I'll look into that.
Edit: Found this Guardian story on her, which sources Radio Free Asia.
your second half is very much open for interpretation, I have no idea what you mean by it.
they could have handled it before it was a problem if they were less of a totalitarian propagandist hell
For everyone else, i'll try to rephrase this into something more tame.
There's a hypothesis that at the beginning of the pandemic in Wuhan, local officials&doctors downplayed covid (and fudged the numbers probably) to probably avoid a negative response and/or punishment from the central government.
It's from US intel community, so not very reliable.
exactly that. yes. its fine though; they were swiftly outdone in their incompetence and simpering failure by SUPERIOR FIRST WORLD CAPITALIST FREE MARKET PARAGONS who needed to show them how that shit is done.