I downloaded Tik Tok thinking I could curate my feed to be cool leftist short videos but instead it's even more of a disgusting hellworld than Twitter. Every leftist video I land on (the algorithm will also suggest fascist videos) is either an argument between leftists and nazis, an argument between leftists and libs, or (more commonly) leftists arguing with other leftists. I've learned nothing and my mood is ruined.
Short videos and tweet length comments are systemically reactionary. Embrace the immortal science of posterism.
e: forgot to mention that the app is just straight up abusive to anyone who isn't a cis white dude
it's annoying bc the left on there is generally posties and ancoms and they hate MLs more than just about anything, they're thoroughly indoctrinated
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I do now after a few months and they get bombarded by posties and ancoms pretty much calling them fash
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Eddie Liger Smith
that's all I can think of off the top of my head
Yeah a lot of the left on there are either "fans of big red streamer man" or "I base my entire politics around a political compass and think auth=bad". I've certainly seen MLs shit on "ancoms" as well, but there's not a lot of MLs there.
post-leftists, all they really ever do is critique leftist movements and beliefs and talk about how revolution isn't gonna happen