We should probably pay attention to this and start exploiting it instead of fighting each other. Start saving cash or blowing it on gamestop stocks

  • Randomdog [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It sounds like a meme whenever I say this but like yeah legitimately money is fake. It's a shared delusion that everyone is happy to participate in because the propaganda tells you that you should.

    I mean for fuck sake there's a "global debt" and yet we're the only planet we know about with intelligent life. Global debt. To fucking who exactly??

    • EatTheLibsToo [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      It gets even more stupid than that - the global debt grows because banks are extracting value from future growth to print money to be spent now. We literally owe the debt to our future economies but can never pay it back, so just perpetually extract this mythical future growth to increase cashflow today in the hope that the growth will come. It's a completely fucking insane system but nobody acts like it is, because this 'common sense' understanding of state debt shoved down our gullets makes no mention of the fact that state debt is nothing remotely like household debt.