
  • Spinoza [any]
    4 years ago

    lmao nice try hoser, i already did

  • Eris235 [undecided]
    4 years ago

    I realized the other day, as a vegan deathly allergic to all nuts, lots of seeds, and several other bullshits, I'm basically a beanatarian, and probably 90% soy by weight. Hopefully one day I can convert fully to bean and ascend

        • juto9p [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          I know this takes some nuance, but all exploitation is wrong.

          Beyond that, don't be obtuse, people are definitely being exploited. They're being forced to subsidize and support an unsustainable and destructive industry which spills over into so much else. Itales us unheathy, it squanders the power of antibiotics, pollutes our water, our air, helps contribute to ever increasing pandemics, takes inordinate amounts of land and food, etc etc. Not to.mention that the slaughter house workers are some of the most exploitated laborers there are.

          • eduardog3000 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            but all exploitation is wrong

            ... if it hurts people.

            Beyond that, don’t be obtuse, people are definitely being exploited. They’re being forced to subsidize and support an unsustainable and destructive industry

            You're right that I wasn't thinking about it in that sense. But that's a problem of capitalism, not meat eating, not milk drinking.

  • kristina [she/her]
    4 years ago

    i try to avoid meat. though i have eating issues so eating meat is better than losing 20 pounds over restricting myself too harshly.

    • juto9p [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Losing weight isnt indelible to veganism. Sounds like the real issue is your "eating issues"

  • Chutt_Buggins [he/him]
    4 years ago

    What would be good resources to learn recipes allowing for this?

    I don't live somewhere with a lot of options for substitutions and such, but I'm eager to start somewhere that's accessible for this small town living without costs getting high/ running into good options that're unavailable to me.

    • Phillipkdink [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Beans and rice are basically the cheapest food you can have, so I wouldn't worry about costs getting high being a vegan is way cheaper than anything else. It's literally the type of food used in food relief to refugee camps.

      As for a specific recipe site I don't have any recommendations, but you can basically google whatever you're interested in making. I've been thinking about measuring out some of my recipes to post in c/vegan, since I think sometimes we vegans overestimate how much non-vegans know about making food that isn't centred around a piece of meat.

      • Chutt_Buggins [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I’ve been thinking about measuring out some of my recipes to post in c/vegan, since I think sometimes we vegans overestimate how much non-vegans know about making food that isn’t centred around a piece of meat.

        That would definitely be useful because just saying "idk google it" doesn't really help me break from being 3 generations out of a culture of subsistence hunters that essentially only ate meat their whole lives and consider salt to be an exotic seasoning...

        I know more about how to maintain a body by exclusively eating meat from like 3 animals forever than I do to cook tofu properly.

  • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I am mostly on the cusp of vegetarian (meat every now and then, but only if someone else is preparing it, and the odd take out).

    the jump from vegetarian to vegan seems really hard and really nitpicky, and I'd rather call myself an okay vegetarian than a bad vegan.

      • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
        4 years ago

        it's hard for me because I like cheese, and also so many products slip in random shit, and the idea of having to double check everything I buy is just not interesting to me right now.

        • juto9p [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Sorry kids, I could have helped, but I really_ liked cheese. Enjoy your hell world ☺️

          • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
            4 years ago

            yep! that's the way to do it! definitely a really successful way to build support! being a snarky asshole absolutely is the most productive way to do things!

            here, I'll help you for the future:

            "wow! great work taking strides to have a more plant based lifestyle! I know it can be difficult, mentally, to cut out certain things from the diet you've had for 3 decades. What parts have been most difficult for you? oh really? mine was ... . Have you ever tried XX brand? I found this recipe that i think is really good. Keep striving and taking the steps towards a healthier lifestyle for you and the planet !"

    • juto9p [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Do you care about the environment? Antibiotic resistance? Wasteful subsidies that could be better employed elsewhere? Water use? Land use? Population health? Deforestation? Food insecurity? Pandemics?

      Your argument that animal abuse is the only reason to be vegan is short sighted. Although, it does highlight the reality that animal agriculte is indeed animal abuse.

      But sure, saying you think animal abuse is acceptable is vvvvery cool 🆒

    • juto9p [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Depends on what I'm doing but for baking I like flax eggs. Just ground flax seed and water. Super easy to make and super shelf stable.