they are literally memeing the revolution into existence

  • POKEMONGOTOTHEGULAG [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I thought it was a bubble yesterday and didn't go in. Now I get that for however normie I am, there are 100 idiots who are even dumber than my normie self. FUCK

    • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      bro I didnt go in when it was at 30 because I was thinking it had reached its peak. How the fuck was I supposed to know it would go up 10x since then? ive been waiting for it to fall.

      If any of these new r/wsb millionaires start making tv appearances talking about how capitalism allows you to create your own path or whatever the fuck, dont fall for their shit. this is a joke of a system.

      • halfpipe [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Ever since bitcoin I've realized that none of this is rational or supposed to make sense , so you should just follow the crowd because once a couple million people decide that something is going to happen it tends to happen

        • pepe_silvia96 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          ive never owned a cent of bitcoin. just out of principle. cant stand how people say its the 'future' but one follow up question throws them off.

          • halfpipe [they/them]
            4 years ago

            Yeah, I never owned any either because I also thought it was a stupid scam, that's what taught me to stop thinking that any of this makes sense and just put the money down