How can this possibly be true, my tomato plants are the thirstiest plants alive. Every summer I end up watering them like 2 times a day. Tomatoes are like 90% water. This Big Tomato Propaganda.
Tomatoes needing a shitload of water doesn’t mean that beefs don’t need >70 shitloads of water.
I was comparing tomatoes to other plants, I know animal agriculute is as wasteful as it is horrific.
I think it's because it's just comparing them by mass, which is kinda odd. The overall point of the pic is true tho, plants are ridiculously more economical and environmentally friendly than animal products
nah it's an interesting chart I was just in full snark mode I'm sorry
I love tomatoes I just feel overwhelmed by land misuse
I checked their website and couldn't find anything, is there a source that they have for this? Like what their process was, etc?
No need to be defensive. Just prefer to check sources on things before I share them around and want to send this to s few people.
No worries. It's a good infographic. And from what I've seen before it's def a similar order if not those numbers exactly.
hear me out: roasted cherry tomatoes, sprinkled with salt, pepper and oregano
Yep. I keep a bowl of yellow cherry tomatoes on the table and just snack on them all day.
How is egg and butter less than chicken and cow? Shouldn't it include the water needed to raise the animal to extract those things from it?
You can get more kg of eggs out of a chicken before you kill it than you'd get kg of meat from its body (a chicken lays more than one egg, and you've already got the up-front water cost of raising it to adulthood)
So, hypothetically, immortal chickens can produce infinite eggs at a low water cost