What is considered white. Hell, I’m Sicilian and some of my Hispanic friends are as light or lighter than me. Of course we know with chuds, they will find another group to demonize.
I’m reading a book on immigration by Chomsky’s daughter and the thought just came to me. I’d like for that to be the case, my girlfriend is a Latina and a lot of my friends are as well, I’d rather them eventually be absorbed into the whiteness blob so they aren’t in quite as much danger from bigots.
After that, I’d rather whiteness as a gatekeeping concept go the fuck away entirely.
Ehhh, perhaps on a really sandblasted macro-scale perhaps, but knowing spanish and having spanish last names outs someone really quick as not being part of the "in-group".
That and also being denied access to the decades of accumulation of wealth that the white population has access to may sour things a bit.
Yeah, I just think those things will matter less over time as the US becomes overwhelmingly Hispanic.
Im not a sociologist (though I’ve heard sociologists share my sentiments) so keep in mind this just basically a shower thought from me
It would be nice for my girlfriend and potential kids and grandkids to not deal with as much bigotry as being in an outgroup entails,