1. Clean whatever you have in your pants. Seriously, clean your gun regularly.
  2. No internet argument matters enough to continue it into Day 2.
  3. Hey, we're shitposting here.
  4. The fact that libs use civility scolding to silence leftists does not mean you can be an ass to your comrades.
  5. When in doubt, demand they whip that hog out.
  6. Libs are insufferable, but we're getting nowhere unless we convince a bunch to become leftists. Dunk, but Dunk Responsibly.
  7. Sometimes your comrades are right and you're wrong.
  8. Read books and shit.
  9. Do stuff in the real world, and then see if you can do more of it.
  10. Ideas on building a path to socialism > rehashing the failings of capitalism.
  11. The more obscure your meme or cultural reference, the smarter and funnier you are.
  12. No communist revolution has succeeded without first debating AOC every day.