Balkanization of America is going to be one of the best things to ever happen to the world. The US will split into weird warring factions and rather than spend time trying to destabilize governments globally will instead focus on trying to destabilize the remnants of itself.
It's nice to dream about it, but nah, rich people will never let that happen.
They let Brexit happen. I think if the rich can find a way to make money off of it, they certainly will. It won't be like...Amazon, who actually does benefit from interstate trade. It would be regional industries like steel or big agra that would want something like this, and they definitely have the money to push for it.
Alternatively even Amazon could benefit from it if they could setup a state without all the pesky labor laws that keep them from TRULY exploiting workers. So I'm not so sure that the rich couldn't find a way to benefit from it in a way they wouldn't be able to with the US as a whole
I don't know if the rich will or not, but the US military industrial complex definitely won't. Because a state like TX or CA leaving means a lot less revenue but the same imperial interests need to be defended.
Worse, the broken off parts will just become unregulated resource extraction bonanzas that benefit all the same people as now.
But the military should be broken up too and that's absolutely good. Y'all are deeply fucked anyways. But that won't haooen because MIC will protect itself at all cost and the Financial Complex is nothing without the army to do terror in the countries that want to rebel.
When you're so patriotic that you secede from the country you love to avoid improving it in any way...
Dude, I don't give a shit, I'm really really happy for brexit and I hope murica did the same.
On the one hand, of course, death to America
On the other, losing any hope of regulating their oil extraction seems like it would drastically increase the odds of death to everything else as well
On the one hand :party-sicko:
On the other, I'd fear for the literal millions that would find themselves under the boot of the Texas GOP after they secede. I can only imagine what the Texas-Mexico border would become.
Probably war.
America can fuck with the rest fo the Americas with impunity.
Texas though? Harder time. They still would, but harder time.
If we align our QPU's properly we should be able to BLJ fast enough to clip through the Whitehouse and skip right to the establishment of the U.S.S.A
Steinbeck on Texas secession: "We've heard them threaten to secede so often that I formed an enthusiastic organization, the American Friends for Texas Secession. This stops the subject cold. They want to be able to secede, but they don't want anyone to want them to."
if texas gets to be independent they have to give back all mexican land not in the original borders of the texan republic
Fuck I guess this is why the chud around the block replaced his Trump and Molon Labe flags with a Texas flag. (For the record, this is pretty far from Texas)
[crazy lady gets domed at the capitol riots]
[changing flags, sadly murmuring] 🎶texas, our texas, all hail the hmm hmmmm hmm🎶
They also did like a lot of atrocities and shit that will haunt the planet for many centuries more, so maybe it's not the second worst
lmao (at least to my understanding) Texas didn't even want to be independent they were waiting it out so a free state could join so they could join as a slave state. The state that joined to be that free state was actually only a free state because they didn't allow black people in at all (Oregon) and that didn't change in their constitution until like the 1930s. I hate all the Texas independence stuff bc they are going off a false history
While we all turn into the Joker, these people will turn into the USA polandball
Is Polandball the only decent thing left?
this guy's a real whackjob piece of shit but critical support for this