Yes, he described Palestinians as "the bugs" and said some other really fucking ignorant quotes from that movie without the slightest understanding of Paul Verhoeven's intent (his effort may have been doomed from the start; he even scolded actors on set for "not getting it" and just enjoying the fascism).

I have some license with what I say because I'm moving and transferring out of state in a few weeks but I also don't want to have a bad mark on my record by saying something particularly scary about the IDF, so what should I tell him on Monday?

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    11 months ago

    "The humans were the good guys in Starship Troopers" + "Israel good" = "Israel is like the humans in Starship Troopers"

    Huh, turns out two wrongs do make a right.

  • sloth [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    Ask him if he remembers how Doogie Howser was dressed at the end of the movie.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      That did come up. He wore irony armor, however, and remarked that he "looked cool" but that he wasn't a nazi; "it was just a cool uniform and he was doing it for the human race. He cared about human life so he wasn't a nazi." morshupls

      • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
        11 months ago

        it was just a cool uniform and he was doing it for the human race. He cared about human life so he wasn't a nazi.

        Ya know, the nazis thought the same exact thing of themselves.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          11 months ago

          They sure did.

          How do I even argue with him? I know I didn't reach him yesterday.

          • FunkyStuff [he/him]
            11 months ago


            Honestly though, just tell him that he isn't engaging with art in anywhere near an intelligent way. That it's very surface level. If he's like most libs that will offend him and he might need to reconsider how he interpreted it.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              11 months ago

              Honestly though, just tell him that he isn't engaging with art in anywhere near an intelligent way. That it's very surface level.

              He's the chemistry teacher so he gleefully shits on the humanities. debord-tired

              • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
                11 months ago

                oh then why's he even pretending to understand a movie, ask him if you can fuck around in his lab despite not being a chemist

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  11 months ago

                  He believes that he can do a non-STEM job just as well as a non-STEM person because only STEM degrees matter and everything else is, quoting him, "children's puppet theater."

                  Good fucking luck putting on a children's puppet show without knowing anything about children's puppet theater, by the way.

                  • sloth [none/use name]
                    11 months ago

                    Maybe if "Starship Troopers" was presented in 'children's puppet theater' format the themes would be more apparent.

                    • UlyssesT [he/him]
                      11 months ago

                      Nuance allows incuriously smug people that think they know everything to decide what something means and be smug about it.

                      No wonder such people hate things that are "for babies" because the message might be too clear for them to make up for themselves.

                  • SchillMenaker [he/him]
                    11 months ago

                    That's why I love having a stem doctorate. I get to make those people feel like the shit idiots they are.

                  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
                    11 months ago

                    sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to be a completely incurious dipshit, it always sounds so stress-free

                    • UlyssesT [he/him]
                      11 months ago

                      It'd be blissfully ignorant treat consumption, all while believing one is The Main Character and by extension the Chosen One, just like in the treats. blob-no-thoughts

                  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                    11 months ago

                    He's right in the exact wrong way lol. Without any understanding of the humanities, it is a puppet show- and he's the puppet.

                    • UlyssesT [he/him]
                      11 months ago

                      Excellent. I may well say just that next time I see him, but then again, the "ENTERTAINMENT HAS NO EFFECT ON ME" crowd is pretty ironclad in their belief.

                    • UlyssesT [he/him]
                      11 months ago

                      I don't think he likes kids at all, at least in any way that can be considered appropriate for school. All of his "funny anecdotes" are Mr. Herkabe-from-Malcolm-In-The-Middle style contempt for kids while feeling smugly smarter than them. smuglord

                  • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
                    11 months ago

                    Did... did you teacher have a part in Starship Troopers? Is he this guy?



                    He believes that he can do a non-STEM job just as well as a non-STEM person because only STEM degrees matter and everything else is, quoting him, "children's puppet theater."

                    An obvious counter that should shut this dude down: "Why are we talking about this? It's just a movie, not real life. Why are you reading so much into it?"

                    Meet his incuriosity with your own. He sounds like he's seeking validation for his intelligence and denying that will drive him up a wall.

                    • UlyssesT [he/him]
                      11 months ago

                      An obvious counter that should shut this dude down: "Why are we talking about this? It's just a movie, not real life. Why are you reading so much into it?"

                      Meet his incuriosity with your own. He sounds like he's seeking validation for his intelligence and denying that will drive him up a wall.

                      I think I may do just that as part of my response in the break room tomorrow. He does seem to base a lot of his worldviews on fiction (and not just that movie) while also deriding fiction as "children's puppet theater." projection

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  11 months ago

                  Some of my least pleasant classroom experiences in college were STEMbros (especially the TE part) that dragged their feet through the one or two non-STEM courses they had to take from time to time and had to constantly signal how displeased they were with being there.

                • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
                  11 months ago

                  I fully believe university education should be mandatory for most people, with more cross-field education required.

                  I know so many STEMbros who couldn’t understand the themes of a film or book if you smacked them in the head with it, and I also know so many humanities majors that fundamentally don’t understand the physical world around them to a point I don’t understand how they can walk down the street without dying.

  • MorelaakIsBack [comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    ask him if he understand, really understands, why dougie houser shows up wearing a full nazi uniform at the end

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Narrator voice: "He doesn't. He insisted it was just a cool uniform and that looking further than that is 'seeing something that isn't there.'" morshupls

  • ProfessorAdonisCnut [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Sounds like one of those guys whose takeaway from American Psycho was that being obsessed with business cards sure is cool

  • DayOfDoom [any, any]
    11 months ago

    Torn between acceptance that the Buenos Aires attack was obviously a false flag and my hatred of the perfidious bug.

    • uralsolo
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
        11 months ago

        It also shows Klendathu is located on the other side of the galaxy from Earth. So the bugs have faster-than-light travel?

  • Mindfury [he/him]
    11 months ago

    tell him service guarantees citizenship and convince him to fly over there

    however, put a gps chip in his fucking shoe or something and provide HAMAS with his location data

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      If he wasn't seeking tenure and wasn't an all-talk coward I'd totally enjoy reading about his adventures in the Reddit Brigade like what happened in Ukraine. sit-back-and-enjoy

      • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
        11 months ago

        I feel like being this much of a fucking idiot should disqualify him from tenure but honestly professors with tenure seem to be universally worse people and worse at their job than ones without.

        I know when conservatives rage about wanting to get rid of tenure they’re wrong and evil but it’s hard to not instinctually agree when it really does seem like a system that’s only there to protect the worst people in academia and keep out young blood. Like, maybe if you’re so shit at being a professor that people are constantly calling for you to be fired, you should go work at Walmart instead.

        Honestly I feel like the respect for tenure comes from this absurd idea that pushing someone “down the societal ladder” is wrong. Why do you get to hold on to your fancy professor job when there are better people to do it? There are plenty of jobs a disgraced professor can do, they’re the same jobs the rest of us can do! Deliver pizzas you fucking rube.

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Send him the Red Letter Media Re:View of the movie

    They explain this in detail in a way even morons can digest

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      That may be a good idea. I may very well actually do that and hope he actually watches it. Thank you.

  • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
    11 months ago

    If he's really gung-ho about Starship Troopers, and with the Israeli troop buildup, how exactly the first invasion of Klendathu went?

    Why was Humanity's military intelligence at the time of invasion caught so flat-footed, both during the Buenos Ares asteroid and the first Klendathu invasion, especially in light of the Israeli intelligence failure?

    Would he accept being a sacrifice to learn about the bugs? If he does not, then he's just a civilian and not a citizen. Does he disapprove? "Well too bad. [Politicians and the military] have to make decisions that send hundreds of people like you to their deaths."

    And, finally, military recruitment is down in the US. Why not join up? "We have the ships. We have the weapons. We need soldiers! They'll keep fighting, will you? Service guarantees citizenship!"

    cue Klendathu Drop

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      My prediction is that he'd get dreamy-eyed and just remember the spectacle, scene by scene, if I cited the movie in the way you suggested.

      He's one of those very uncurious "smart" types. The curtains are very fucking blue to him and the fiction is both great wisdom on the surface and is just fiction when challenged or when interpretations are made.

      • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
        11 months ago

        I would act pretty slack-jawed golly-gee-darn-that-makes-no-dern-sense ignorant, and bring up those questions and ask how the Israelis should be any different? Like really make him explain it step-by-step. Use it to appeal to his logic side as you twist it in knots. Lead him into interesting conflicts of logic with "stupid" questions and a bunch of Whys. Be that dork in the movie that can't believe bugs think if you want inspiration and make him try to be the "smarter" commentator.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          11 months ago

          That sounds very challenging to put into practice, but it has potential. I'd have to resist not exploding while playing ignorant for much of the time.

          • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
            11 months ago

            It is so very hard. You have to put on your best Confused Tucker live-tucker-reaction face and "explode" into another question. It's easier said than done lmao!

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              11 months ago

              It's an impressive rhetorical martial art.

              • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
                11 months ago

                You also don't have to debate this dude. You could just fuck with him. Conveniently forget scenes and make him describe it. Rinse, repeat. Confuse characters and plot elements. Have him constantly remind you about Who and What. Bring in entirely different movies, and then act confused when he tries to correct you.

                The possibilities are endless with live-tucker-reaction

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Paraphrasing Felix, is it possible for someone to get a 180th trimester mercy abortion?

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    11 months ago

    Tell him that the Buenos Aires attack was obviously a false flag operation by the humans to declare war on the bugs. Show him this map and ask him how a bunch of bugs who don't even have basic vehicles let along spaceships was able to propel a giant rock halfway across the galaxy to precisely fit a major city and not just miss the solar system altogether. Not-so-subtly insinuate that only the most clueless rubes would fall for this in-universe bullshit and that said clueless rubes who totally bought an in-universe narrative that's even implausible by WH40k standards are even more clueless about the complexity that is real life which does not benefit from a film director hitting said clueless rubes repeatedly over the head with the themes of the movie. Do all this in the most smug voice imaginable.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      It might backfire if he's one of those irredeemable Roman fappers that thinks "casus belli" is based and not a horrifying doctrine, you know, where his side and whatever it does to get ahead is "based." He does seem to be the "Manifest Destiny was cool and good and so was the slave trade because they both elevated primitives out of mud huts" type, especially after I argued once about the blood price of lithium and he countered with something about "mud huts" and "wasted resources" untapped beneath those mud huts that could be used instead "for the mission" my-hero . smuglord

    • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Problem: The movie addresses the asteroid in a previous scene (hits Carmen's battleship, disables communication) and this chud will pick up on that immediately. While I like your idea generally, in this specific case this dudebro will have an obvious counter.

      • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
        11 months ago

        That's why I mentioned WH40k. There's no sci-fantasy setting save for WH40k where a starfaring civilization could even destroy a city that's halfway across the galaxy without using what present civilizations of that setting considers ancient for-all-intents-and-purposes-magic (eg Forerunners, Xel'Naga, Protheans, Celestials). It doesn't matter if it's Star Wars, Star Trek, Starcraft, Halo, Mass Effect, Dune, and so on. WH40k could get away with it through warp shenanigans as in the civilization shoots the rock through a warp rift and have the rock appear on the another side of the galaxy to strike the city.

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      11 months ago

      That might work for convincing him that the humans in starship troopers are wrong but it would probably be more relevant to the point actually intended to point out the various ways Israel continually brutalises and marginalises Palestinians

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I'm on my way out but yeah I want to be employable where I'm going. sweat

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I was considering recording him saying that again by baiting him into repeating himself.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          11 months ago

          I haven't checked; I'd check if I decided to actually do that.

        • Red Wizard 🪄
          11 months ago

          What would that be, wiretapping? My understanding of the consent dynamic of the 1-Party / 2-party consent stuff is about its admissibility as evidence in a court case.

          But I'm not a lawyer.