Wonder what these people think of counties outside of the USA and Europe where on occasion the ML-aligned parties are corrupt and controlled opposition and the anarchist aligned movements are the ones protesting and not taking money from banks and elites. Like both anarchist and ML movements can be infiltrated or be an op, like come on those DM's are so USA centric it hurts.
Or where the ML party is pretty much Nazbol (socially reactionary) or its run like a quasi-cult
"Every bad take from a red flag avi is an FBI wrecker. No I will not explain."
"what do you mean I'm paranoid? It's not my fault that all of the secret services are watching me"
This is so cringey😬
Yes. Anarchist organisations are full of government snitches and agents. So are communist organisations. That is kind of how it works when you work to overthrow the capitalist state.
I'm not an anarchist myself but I respect my anarchist comrades.
So are communist organisations
you can't arrest someone for handing out dogshit newsletters (I wish), I bet they use false flag anarchist "propaganda of the deed" stuff to get it on terror watch lists
Liberals claim I'm on Putin's and Xi's paycheck
Wreckers claim I'm on Biden's paycheck
I'm so fucking rich :capitalist:
Anarchism was a scam invented by Big Ideology to sell more Molotov Cocktails
I'm not an anarchist, but this is a total fabrication. The anarchist movement in the U.S. has a long and important history and it's not one that should be ignored or revised. Read about the Haymarket riots and Sacco and Vanzetti.
if ive ever had a bad take, i would like to point out i was momentarily possessed by the FBI
Yep, everyone knows that Bakunin, Kropotkin, and Malatesta were all American fascists working for the FBI decades before the organization's founding!
It sounds like a pharmaceutical name
"Do not take Malatesta if you are allergic. Side effects may include bleeding from your eyeballs, or shidding out your doodoo ass"
gotta make ends meet in this economy. busting leftist organizations doesn't pay like it used to and my daughter needs dental work. i just wish there was a better way