cant wait until they get those fancy new high resolution cameras online
The perseverance landing was cool, but the Tianwen-1 landing in May is going to be a thousand times cooler
not to commit the cardinal sin of china bad, but i doubt china is doing sample return or bringing a literal mini-helicopter to mars lol
it has an orbiter, lander, and rover all in one which is pretty baller for a first mars mission tho
Oh god. Give it a decade and they’re going to have ballistic misssles on them and have rover fight like in the caged robotic fights that have made a comeback.
Damn they really saw NASA have a rocket boosted landing craft crane thing with the rover on bottom and said put the rover ON TOP.
they have better cameras on it lol it takes a while to send a higher resolution picture (and i think the nice cameras still have the protective caps on rn)