I’m sorry but biscuit is clearly a far better sounding word for a savory baked good you dip in gravy and have with bacon and eggs. Not for a sweet delectable baked good, for that a more cutesy sounding word like “cookie” is far fucking better.

English perverts should stop calling fucking cookies biscuits, I don’t dip Oreos in gravy you cretins.

  • dukeofprunes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Ok then a transatlantic consensus of sorts has been reached. Best thing to put gravy on tho is a yorkshire pudding me old bean.

    Whats that white stuff I'm thinking of then? Any other usas got any idea? I'm sure i didn't make it up.

    EDIT: in my 30+ years of life i've never once eaten jellied eels, seen jellied eels for sale or spoken to anyone who has eaten them. i find this stereotype outdated and highly offensive. please stick to the more accurate stereotype of english people as racist colonial murderers.

    • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
      4 years ago

      There is such a thing as white gravy. It’s just creamer than regular gravy and it is often served with biscuits. It’s good it just looks gross.

      But honestly how the fuck did you weirdos have the idea that putting fucking eels in jelly was a good idea? Like... wtf?

      • BookOfTheBread [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I don't think anyone alive in the UK has actually ever eaten jellied eels, probably just made up to trick American tourists into eating ridiculous things.

        • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Liar, you Brits love shoveling those cold slimy cold eels and jelly down your throats.