First I was surprised he wasn't on the episode. Then I was more surprised when he didn't even send in a message. But when I think about it, did any of the hosts even mention Virgil? I'll relisten tonight, but I can't think of a single time where the hosts said... anything about Virgil. Even when Will was thanking people at the end, I don't think he said his name. Hell, I'm not even sure if a guest mentioned him.

I know he's not as involved with the show as he once was, especially since Bad Faith, but is there something I'm missing in terms of his relationship with the rest of the hosts?

  • cilantrofellow [any]
    4 years ago

    I mean if we want to get super tinfoil and parasocial then my guess would be after Bernie lost Virgil got into a crisis about how they didn’t do enough for the election and don’t highlight political actors on their show. Matt and Amber seem like they would be willing to have some more of that, but are ultimately ambivalent about the future through electoral processes and wouldnt help. Will and Felix are ultimately not into politicking and Will especially seems like he has some weird ideas about what the show has to be.

    So Virgil left and started his own show with like the most electoral left politics person out there. It’s too bad because his interviews with candidates was like some of the best stuff they put out on the chapo name in my hopeless electoralist opinion, and probably got a lot of people pulled further left. Bad faith has that too but there’s not enough banter to really maximize his dry humor and no one who isn’t already super politics will listen to that show.