A quote, "So loveable, it tugs at our heart strings." WHAT???
And before one of you uhh achksullys me, yes I know that is a paintball gun. Just broaden your imagination a bit more please and include the NYPD in this imagination.
I don't say this often cause it's kinda silly most of the time. But this really is manufactured consent for thinking we need robot dogs having guns. It escalated so fast from a bomb detector/natural disaster aid to a fucking walking turret. All under the guise that oh isn't technology so cute!!! uwu
IF police are only supposed to shoot people when they fear for their lives why does a robot ever need a gun? It would never have a justifiable reason to use it.
I know my brain is broken because I read this, agreed with it, and immediately started coming up with reasons they'd used to justify it. Here are a few in short form: Private property. "Backup." "To protect." "What if it saw a helpeless dog when busting down a door."
They're going to use it for riot control or something, what's great about that is that these things are easy as fuck to knock over. So we'll have our own in no time.
It's good that our dystopia is inspired by fictional ones or they'd just out these things in treads. Metal Gear logic
I think it's just the novelty. If anything treads would be significantly cheaper.
Caught the edit and yeah, that's what I was talking about. It's like the AT-ATs in Star Wars, legs are a huge vulnerability with no advantage, it's not like these things can go off road.
I am sure you're right. I'm starting to get a sneaking suspicion that maybe cops don't just kill people in self defense. But I'm sure I'm just being paranoid.
This is also something I never thought of in regards to RoboCop
for context, the paintball gun is an art piece meant to warn of the thing's potential use as a weapon. CNN is incapable of reporting on it as critical but that's clearly what it is.
robocops are definitely evil tho. RIP micah johnson
Not holding my breath. The only cops this thing will be going after are officers named Christopher Dorner.
Get ready for motorcades mourning the loss of robot cop dogs that an officer shot 9 times in a city near you!
There was a report from my home town of cops shooting a cow 40 some times with their side arms. I'd hope it'd take more than 9 shots for these .
I'm heartened by the number and popularity of "It is everyone's moral responisbility to destroy these things on sight" takes.
Black Mirror doing praxis by scaring the shit out of white people with these things.
Can't wait till the episode is delisted from Netflix for some bullshit reason.
Worth noting paintball guns are the frame for peperball guns. So it is already at the riotcontroll stage
Yeah hear me out on this: it's gonna be used for riot control purposes, with the benefit for cops that it makes protestors seem more dangerous. Get ready to hear takes like "These people are so out of control we have to use robots to approach them."
And then because it's not a real person, it'll get fucked up like a cop car. Except since it's a biologically inspired dog-robot, liberals will be even more distraught when it gets destroyed. Not only is it property being destroyed (which triggers a visceral reaction a lá "shop windows didn't deserve this"), it's property in the shape of everyone's favorite cute adorable doggos with jobs, the K-9 unit.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk!
idk, I definitely think cops will try to play this "poor doggo" angle, but I think few will buy it because these things are so viscerally uncanny-valley
I'm struggling put myself back in my liberalism shoes and imagine it myself, but I think you're right that this would definitely test the limits of my excessive sympathy for property.
I kinda pictured it as an improvment. Honestly. Like, you couldn't program a robot to be as shitty at its job as a cop.
So, they would stand behind this when talking to a homeless person so they never have a need to pull out their gun.
This is the one case where I am glad to see people losing their jobs to a robot
If it can carry a paintball gun there's no reason why it can't be a platform for other weapons. Wonderful.
In that NYPD post about them using it the officer said, "it was just like playing a video game." Exactly what the drone operators say.
NYPD will start targeting G*mers to join the force and pilot these robot dogs as they police low income neighborhoods.
The military has been doing it for almost two decades now. It only seems logical the NYPD, with a budget bigger than entire countries would also follow the same path
hmm, i wonder if there's a term for when the tactics and weaponry used by an empire on its frontier begins being used on its own citizens
Yep, nothing stopping it from holding a rubber bullet and flash bang gun.
No, I mean, you shoot peper balls out of a paintball gun. This is a fully operational robotic weapon system now
Yeah I know, lol. If it can hold a paintball gun it should be no problem holding other weapons, like for flash bangs or rubber rounds and what not. What's a scary thought is this thing just walking around freely shooting out tear gas tornados at people.
Starts with paintball guns, then it'll turn to "less lethal" rounds, and before the end of Biden's administration someone from this site is going to have been killed after being shot in the face with a teargas canister out of one of these bad boys.
I feel like society grew up watching sci fi dystopias and apparently decided "yes, that's how we want to live"
Am I the only one who thinks these things are creepy even without guns?
They're simultaneously cool as hell and uncanny little freaks, but the fact that we know they're destined to be military/cop hardware makes them so much worse than they would be otherwise.
Remember, part of the legal justification for this will be from the precedent set by the Dallas cops who used a remote-controlled robot to blow up Micah Xavier Johnson after he shot and killed five cops.
Looking forward to when these things get autonomous tracking and "threat-assessment" software like the turrets Samsung setup at the DMZ.
To be fair it is slightly easier to train a neural net to shoot any human then it is to only shoot the black ones.
jeanne moos sucks so hard. no idea how she can have a job on tv looking, sounding, and thinking the way she does.