Why is it white liberals be trying to talk like black people on the internet...
Cuz it really be catchy.
English is my second language I didn't know it was racist to write like that, I just absorbed people writing that way.
it’s not actually racist to write that way, it’s just changing language
(not that neolibs aren’t bad and violently racist for other reasons)
Are you actively or passively negatively portraying the language? Are you flippantly or disrespectfully appropriating the language from the native speakers? Are you using the language, knowingly or unknowingly, in a mocking manner?
Often the answers to these questions are yes. In the posted meme, I'd say that the language change is being used to mock its speakers, therefore I think it is racist, or at least wrong in some manner.
flippantly appropriating language from native speakers is normal and fine lmbo
imagine “flippantly appropriating spanish”
aka learning spanish like a normal human being
Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. I do not mean to portray 'flippantly' and 'disrespectfully' appropriating as opposites.
There's a difference between learning a language and flippantly using it. Example, a non-Spanish speaker calling a Spanish-speaker 'ese', even if they do not intend to offend, is probably not cultural appreciation.
Idk man the people mocking the language are usually the people who are very apparently racist. lots of millennials and zoomers use ebonics in every day conversation because that's just how they grew up, no malice meant.
If it's mocking it's usually very apparent.
ummmm actually sweety your white racism is showing
when you talk about class it's actually racist
anyway back to my White Fragility brunch! 💅
It’s more cringe than racist tbh. Embarrassing. Why do white people do this?
Some surely do it wanting to mock people who talk that way, and others just absorb it in the internet because of memes and that's how people on internet write.
Li... listen man, I was the first white boy to ever join the Black Panthers! I-it was there wasn't it's no- there wasn't a rule that said they couldn't join, they just thought no white boy would ever be crazy enough to try! But I said, I told em "I'm the kinda white boy you have to make rules for."
They want black people to be the next white people.
This is my hottest opinion.
Ha ha yes I am definitely a good person. I put a blm bandana on my dog.
Flat earth forums have broken my brain and when I see globeheads I immediately think people who believe the earth is round.
We need to reclaim that word because globe emoji "people" are the worst entities I have ever seen
how can you have gas pressure next to a vacuum without a container????
if not explain why there are thousands of troops stationed in antarctica to keep people from exploring it
close but it's r politicalhumor if im not mistaken (they're basically the same tho) :amerikkka-clap:
Well, the same except the members of r/politicalhumor are 30 years older
My sweet sixteen, except instead of a beat up old van, it's a 3 foot long parasite being transferred to my cranium