Since America is mimicking the fall of Rome it seems logical that we are gonna see even more extreme ufc style battle arenas. :pog-dolphin:
Since America is mimicking the fall of Rome it seems logical that we are gonna see even more extreme ufc style battle arenas. :pog-dolphin:
Fair, and I suppose you could argue we're not quite to that point yet where 'to the death' is an assumed pretense. IE: we still have all the violence, death, and humiliation...but we still put a bit more veneer on it.
yeah I’m more talking about “here are two prisoners serving life sentences and they must might to the death with nothing but blunt objects for the possibility of parole” levels of dystopian ”satire”
Check out the Angola Prison Rodeo , which is one of the more dangerous rodeos as prisoners living on a former slave plantation compete for prizes such as... 50$ to see who can sit stationary the longest before being gored.
What the fuck, that is grim. And Louisiana is the worst slave state in the world. Wild fucking shit.
Angola Prison deserves to be entirely dismantled and wiped off the face of the earth, its such a stain. But my friend who did public defender work in Louisiana said while it is the most eyecatching, it isnt even really the worst conditions she saw during her time working in the state.
I believe the Louisiana State legislature has the highest proportion of former cops in their assembly. Saw an article outlining the connections before but I have had trouble finding it again. It's so bad that it's not even a lobby, their legislature is literally mostly filled by former LEO types.
With the barbarism already on full display already...I'm not sure I can quite appreciate how bad conditions will have to be for it to get to that point.