Since America is mimicking the fall of Rome it seems logical that we are gonna see even more extreme ufc style battle arenas. :pog-dolphin:
Have you seen any TV contest lately? You know, where poor people have to amuse the masses by fighting each other or performing some really humiliating task in order to maybe get 10% of their debts payed off.
I was going to say, we're probably going to have game shows where cancer patients compete to have their treatment paid for.
That already happens, not purely cancer patients, but most people who go to those shows are kinda desperate
So much of it is spectacle meets perseverance porn. People hoping to win the money to pay for things the government should have provided them with, you get invested in their story and hope to see them win. The whole thing is disgusting and exploitative. So I don't think we'll have the hunger games or something, just more of this shit.
It might not be to the death as such, but doesn't American Football have a rather nasty track record for serious injuries and brain damage?
long term degenerative brain damage yes(like normally 60s 70s if at all) , serious injuries..... depends what you mean by serious. People break bones and tendons but actual life threatening/long injuries are quite rare.
Don’t get me wrong the game takes an insane toll on your body, it’s basically American gladiators, but while the average NFL lifespan is reduced, it’s not a to a degree where I’d call it a blood sport. Also it should be noted that 99% of the players are on juice which contributes heavily to the heart disease and other premature deaths from strokes and such
TLDR : I’d rather be an NFL player than a coal miner
Depending on your perspective we're kind of there already. I'm not a roman historian but I think its generally a misconception that gladitorial battles typically ended in death. Sure it happened, but a Gladiator was essentially a financial investment so you didn't really want them getting slaughtered left and right. What you're really asking is at what point we have poor people basically signing away their lives and giving up their bodies for the pleasure and amusement of the mob and at what point we start showcasing public executions of dissidents or enemies of the state.
The former we cover with sports, reality television, and social media. The later we cover with televised war.
For the first paragraph you are pretty incorrect, while individual Gladiators did not fight often, once or twice a year, Gladiatorial battles took place for special events like the death of a someone from a powerful family, but when these events took place they often did end in the death of a Gladiator . Just watching a trained man execute someone isn’t exactly entertaining. They left the untrained dissidents/slaves to other, often more gruesome deaths.
Gladiators who survived more than 10 fights were heavily respected and got much of a following like WWE wrestlers today lol, but not because they were killing untrained people, because they were killing other trained killers.
Gladiators trained for almost a year or more before they would actually enter the arena.
Sorry for the info dump but most Gladiators were slaves selected for glad training except at the beginning when free men would volunteer , and slaves were not a hard commodity to come by and train in Rome.
Fair, and I suppose you could argue we're not quite to that point yet where 'to the death' is an assumed pretense. IE: we still have all the violence, death, and humiliation...but we still put a bit more veneer on it.
yeah I’m more talking about “here are two prisoners serving life sentences and they must might to the death with nothing but blunt objects for the possibility of parole” levels of dystopian ”satire”
yeah I’m more talking about “here are two prisoners serving life sentences and they must might to the death with nothing but blunt objects for the possibility of parole” levels of dystopian ”satire”
Check out the Angola Prison Rodeo , which is one of the more dangerous rodeos as prisoners living on a former slave plantation compete for prizes such as... 50$ to see who can sit stationary the longest before being gored.
What the fuck, that is grim. And Louisiana is the worst slave state in the world. Wild fucking shit.
Angola Prison deserves to be entirely dismantled and wiped off the face of the earth, its such a stain. But my friend who did public defender work in Louisiana said while it is the most eyecatching, it isnt even really the worst conditions she saw during her time working in the state.
I believe the Louisiana State legislature has the highest proportion of former cops in their assembly. Saw an article outlining the connections before but I have had trouble finding it again. It's so bad that it's not even a lobby, their legislature is literally mostly filled by former LEO types.
With the barbarism already on full display already...I'm not sure I can quite appreciate how bad conditions will have to be for it to get to that point.
Wasn’t this already a thing in the 2000s with the chuds paying homeless people to fight and then uploading the videos.
That was also a premise for some abc show that got a super bowl ad
Bareknuckle boxing is already starting to take off in the US and it's barrier to entry is a hell of a lot lower than most professional sports associations
Technically it is safer than regualr boxing depending on the rules. In bare knuckle you cant punch as hard because you risk hurting your hands.
We already have the NFL, UFC, and Boxing that kills people in their 40s instead.
What if instead of fighting to death we had gladiators fucking and sucking eachother to death?
I don't think they'll do evenly matched bouts. I think it will be more like the Christians and lions but updated to be minorities/socialists and cops.
Wait, did I say will be, I meant is
I did the mistake of watching Django, I didn't need to know about the fights. Like, I wasn't surprised really, but goddam. Didn't finish it so don't spoil me the end.
I feel like alot of what must lf happened didn't get added to the historical reccord because that had to have been done.
That's just poor people being dumb on reality tv so more shows call them and become a permanent tv star.