First episode I listened to was a justification for Russian nazis and the second I listened to called childless people losers. I don't care to listen to any more of it. Is the name a joke or something? Why would you name your website after these losers? The people on /r/blackwolffeed are nothing but terfs and hate on identity politics and trans people. I don't feel like the brand of leftism chapo is selling is something I want to buy. It's like hey free healthcare but your not a woman and don't mention race exists. If mods are gonna ban me for hating on this podcast than do it, I don't want to be here if they support it. However if you fine people don't like the podcast, I ask you for your support to change the name, because I haven't found a raunchier trans space. I recommend John Waters Fun House, can this thread just be a struggle session of coming up with better names than one of a shitty reactionary podcast? Thank you.

  • HarryLime [any]
    4 years ago

    Can you explain to me what exactly is wrong with not having children?

    There's nothing wrong with not having children, or making the personal choice to not have a child. However, it's a perfectly normal desire to have and raise children, and it's a basic human drive and a part of the human experience. It's one of the reasons that gay/trans adoption is such a big issue- LGBTQ people should absolutely have the right to raise children just like straight people. Leftists should argue fiercely for creating a world in which children are cared for and supported economically, and the material conditions allow people to have and raise them comfortably. Young people today are not having children at nearly the same rates as their parents because capitalism makes it extremely difficult.

    Do you think the earth can support 10 billion people? All with automobiles and decent living standards?

    This is Malthusianism, which is deeply reactionary, and Karl Marx disproved it over a hundred years ago.