In other new: Ben Shapiro's doctor wife thinks it's broken when it gets wet, according to two of the top posts on Trusted News Site

It’s your 11 August 2020 Megathread and Joe Biden is still a rapist. Post your favourite mutual aid resources below, or just shit on libleft electoralists some more, idk


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Mutual aid resources, for those who need.

Guns are good, you libs. Get educated, get strapped.

Yesterday's megathread

THEORY; it's good for what ails you:

A giant MEGA Archive of theory

  • Curated by our very own @redblackgold; all kinds of tendencies inside!
  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Hey guys, I was thinking wouldn't it be cool if we collectively select a podcast to be the "thing" of his place. Would help get new members and the podcast would be happy to have a dedicated fanbase that is somewhere else than Twitter. I'm thinking of Pod Save America. Would really fit the general tendencies here and the guys that run it are real bright and fun

      • Dear_Occupant [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I kinda sorta did that when Fred Thompson was alive and he was running Uncle Fred's Down-Home Biscuit Flour Power Hour or whatever that thing was called. He would always reach a little too deep into his actor's bag of affected Southern charm, which always gave me something funny to riff on on my blog.

    • Owl [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It's a good idea, and I agree Pod Save America would be a good bit.

      I think it's also worth considering non-political podcasts, since finding out that everyone who likes the thing you like is a lefty is just naturally going to pull you left, and smallish podcasts will chase after sudden influxes of fans. My first thought was those surrealist comedy podcasts like Night Vale or Beef And Dairy, but I think I overestimated how popular they are because the woman who keeps recommending them to me is such a cutie. By the numbers the most popular ones are true crime stuff, which aren't my jam, but if there's a bunch of people here who like them then more power to you, get organized.