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  • purr [undecided]
    4 years ago

    the discourse of tone policing is weird because maybe im old school, but tone policing was created by black activists and describes a phenomenon experienced by black people...its since been stretched to be something that is experienced by all marginalized people, (fine, but depending on the identity it holds different water when used but FINE, ive hollowed out my mind and come to terms with the disgustingly short life cycle of black phrases just being used by black people okay???) regardless "tone policing" isnt meant to be used by (non poor) white people to refute any criticism of their shit takes. tone policing is specifically tied to the oppression BLACK people go through, when trying to vocalize their oppression.

    "tone policing" feels like yet another black phrase / oppression-based philosophy white people (even white leftists) have colonized

    like once i was accused by a white person of tone policing when I pointed out that the chapos have said some weird racially insensitive shit before. Black people did not die for that // there are different ways to say "youre fixating on my tone/display of emotion when im being rightfully emotional about this topic because the topic is literally about my existence, in order to ignore the thing im emotional about ," that dont evoke tone polciing --trust me, ive been seeing white women do it for decades. (although non blacks have bastardized tone policing to be something that also includes the need to deregulate the emotions of allies, in additon to those directly effected). hell you can even continue to misuse gaslight and toxic if youre so desperate

    it doesnt really matter because we live in a postmodern S O C I E T Y where words dont have meaning and cultural history of colonized peoples has even less meaning but the next time that you use "tone policing" to try to knock down a mod on a tiny website down a few pegs, just remember the origin of the phrase, and how it usually still applies to a black person being told that their reaction to their existence being devalued (which usually isnt even an emotional reaction in the first place, its just threatening) is uncivilized and wonder "are my beefs in the same category"