Yeah, the whole belief morphed over the past year. The largest contingent of adherents know about the child trafficking thing, but have no connection to any sort of imminent mass arrest or military program or anything. I see my own relatives talking about secret child trafficking websites and pizza gate style stuff and I know for certain they have no clue what Qanon is.
Yeah, the whole belief morphed over the past year.
And it really hasn't turned out well for me, who was raving like a madman about the Epstein stuff previously. Now everyone I talked to about Epstein thinks I'm an anon.
It will take alot of evidence for someone to prove to me Q isn't an op to paint any pedophile truthers as Q nutters.
Yeah, the whole belief morphed over the past year. The largest contingent of adherents know about the child trafficking thing, but have no connection to any sort of imminent mass arrest or military program or anything. I see my own relatives talking about secret child trafficking websites and pizza gate style stuff and I know for certain they have no clue what Qanon is.
And it really hasn't turned out well for me, who was raving like a madman about the Epstein stuff previously. Now everyone I talked to about Epstein thinks I'm an anon.
It will take alot of evidence for someone to prove to me Q isn't an op to paint any pedophile truthers as Q nutters.
:10000-com: Not sure if the op is CIA or just Trump covering his own ass but it's clearly working.