Earlier today a vegan made a post with a white supremacist dog whistle by satirizing a person who's people "have been eating dog for thousands of years". Another Indigenous person and I did our best to call out the white supremacist nature of the discussion, so the poster later edited the title to specifically reference European people, which may have been well intentioned but only served to gaslight us by making it look like we were over-reacting and looking to be offended.

I came here for the leftism, and stayed for the Trans Rights. I'm a 2-spirit, native leftist. I have myriad reasons why I may or may not choose or even have the choice of veganism and any moralizing or condescension that comes from white vegans is an extension of over 500 years of an imposition of an alien value system which is profoundly disconnected from this land and the plants and animals which are our blood relations.

  • DirtbagVegan [he/him]
    4 years ago

    You can care about more than one thing. I think killing animals is bad, so I stopped eating them. I think that poverty is immoral so I spend my time working at a food bank and organizing to end capitalism.

    You say these problems shouldn't be fought under capitalism until it's overthrown, but do you think communism or socialism should be vegan?

    • Parzivus [any]
      4 years ago

      Yes, being vegan is the morally correct and more sustainable option. I don't think anyone could argue otherwise in good faith. I just don't think putting a ton of time into it is good when there are numerous ways to help your fellow humans with your time.