Like there’s just no more talk of “the American dream” anymore. It’s never been real but we all know now exactly how much bullshit that is. It’s like the facade has been fully torn away and we’re all tied to this terrible husk of a machine that doesn’t even have the decency to pretend things will get better anymore

  • shiteyes [ze/hir]
    4 years ago

    I had an inkling we were fucked in 2001 but that was just the beginning of the peeling of the happy face sticker and I was happy to stay in comfy denial world as long as possible. It was still possible to fix it at the time or at least it looked salvageable. 2008 dawned the realization of this country being a giant open air homeless camp and then corona came along and now it's like a giant classist soft genocide camp. At this rate I wonder when we will hit battle royale. You can see the beginnings of it in people competing for jobs, businesses actively cheating people and maximizing workload on minimum staff, withholding of healthcare and the police going around shooting people at random. Monetizing death.

    You would think well this can't last forever but north korea started juche in 1972.