While I’m generally skeptical of boycotts, BDS scares the shit out of Israel. Because I do believe if BDS becomes a global movement it really could change things. I’ll start with the list from bdsmovement.net and then add to the list as people list other companies to boycott in the comments:

Hewlett-Packard (computer hardware)

Siemens (tech conglomerate)

AXA (banking & insurance)

Puma (clothing)

Israeli fruits and vegetables (usually labeled)

SodaStream (idk that garbage home soda)

Ahava (cosmetics)

Sabra (hummus)

  • danisth [he/him]
    11 months ago

    The form factor of the sodastream is nice, but I’m confused that a keg setup wasn’t getting the water fizzy enough. Getting a small adapter to transfer from a bigger tank to a sodastream canister is the simplest solution imo.