My friend is a total succdem, and we got to talking about the usual stuff like UBI, work, economy, and all that. So I remarked about all the good things China has been doing when it came to green tech, poverty alleviation, and all that. Woo boy. That's when the genocide accusations came out. I tried to link him BayArea451's video but he refused to watch it because he said it was Chinese propaganda. He then told me I wasn't thinking critically and that all my talking points came from China and all my sources must be paid off by China. I gave him proof that actually all of his sources where paid by the US and that shutted him up. I doubt I got through to him but good lord the state of western chauvinism. It's like they don't actually believe in anything or have any of their own opinions, you try to argue with them and their eyes just glaze over. You know what really pisses me off though is I'm in a chat group that this guy mods. And he's not going to ban me. He thinks I'm a literal genocide denier but he won't ban me, because he's a fuckin lib. Can't even stand up for the shit they claim to care about.

Sorry for that rant, but man, I'm tired of how effective this propaganda campaign has been. Everyone in the west has brain worms.

  • SadSoulja [love/loves]
    4 years ago

    Best comment I’ve read on the issue across any platform. Will def use it as a jumping point to dig deeper and become better informed. Bless for such an intelligent nuanced take
