Is just a liberal larping about upholding social justice for all of our comrades while condemning others to be exploited and murdered.
Edited: since people were crying about thinking this is targeting anarchists specifically, and not all larping libs.
so 90% of the communists in the global south are larpers?
" President Xi Jinping surprised the entire nation by dining in public. He walked into Qingfeng Restaurant (庆丰包子铺), a chain bun shop in Beijing, waited in the line, and ordered six steamed pork buns, a bowl of liver soup" xi is a fucking :LIB:
although most American/Euro leftists dont have a reason to not be plant based
If Xi was vegan he'd be a better communist. He could enact universal veganism for the largest country on earth.
Edit: thank you for your edit I entirely agree.
Actually China is surprisingly on the right path. Yes, they are not yet vegan. But obviously this is a step in the right direction
Can I just continue larping?
Veganism actually requires me to question fundamental beliefs which were instilled into me from birth and that just ain't as easy as calling myself a leftist online.
Indigenous culture tho. Gotcha!
I bet you shop at supermarkets too. Classist.
Edit: Imagine using indigenous culture as an excuse not to avoid enacting violence unjustly on sentient beings.
My country was colonised and ravaged by the British empire for centuries as well. Veganism is not a movement exclusively for white people in the West. It's an absolute moral baseline and I'm not fine with any human being exploiting animals.
Found the omni.
Can't tell if you're jerking or not, because I'm not white.
I don't care about it much more than rolling my eyes and calling you a dick.
Not everyone who talks about you being racist to us indigenous people is a white person using our identities as a shield.
But don't worry, I am used to dumb vegans making fun of me and my people. But we survived literal genocides from worse folk, you guys are barely important to the grand scheme of things. But I am def just a weeping bloodmouth or whatever, you got me good
Not sure where you're getting the idea that vegans are making fun of a culture.
Tone deaf is when you don't believe animals should be put into subservient positions. Got it.
Counterpoint: nah. I mean, I truly respect vegans and veganism, but to decide who is and isn't left wing based on your own perceived ideals is just not my cup of tea
Counterpoint: IDC about your respect, you believe in hierarchies based on a sentient beings species then. See ya!
lmao didn't know "murder bad" was such a controversial topic around here.
Justification of the slaughter of sentient beings should be a bannable offense sitewide - yes, that includes the people who can never stop harping on about "but muh culture".
If you are okay with murder you are not a leftist, it's as simple as that. So stop pretending you are one.
Adding a more tankie specific version:
Any Marxist-Leninist who isn't vegan is just a liberal larping about disliking the class system. You cannot be a modern Marxist and support the commodification and exploitation of other living beings.
I call myself vegan.
Also, no state governments. State governments bad.
Obviously using disinfectant that "kills 99.9% of germs" isn't a game changer or anything, but what about cooked insects from a street vendor in SE Asia? Is housing a bee colony for their honey any different than milking free-range cows? Would indigenous tribes who've been sustainably living off the land of local fauna need to be "acculturated"? Is lab grown meat okay? What determination in brain structure, self-awareness, or embryonic development determines whether some entity is okay to kill or consume?
The fuck..? Insects definitely have a nervous system. Ants literally care for their injured.
They clearly must have a concept of injury if they can care for them. So what the hell does that even mean?
What the fuck. The last time indigenous communities were “acculturated” was a cultural genocide. Do you not see how saying this is not ok?
This is because you don't understand veganism. Veganism is not about sustainability or health or the environment, it is about complete and utter animal liberation. Animal exploitation should not be part of any culture.
Last I understood animal husbandry was not a major part of indigenous cultures across the country. Rather hunter-gathering and appreciation and use of every part of the animal was a general key component. Why is it such a radical idea that suggesting cultural re education for a group that was genocided culturally within living memory in Canada is a bad thing? Please, it is possible to focus on supporting veganism without suggesting we need to alter indigenous cultures a second time when the first time was a literal genocide
There's no room for apologism or bending the rules for anyone when it comes to granting animals the right and dignity to a life without any unecessary human intervention. You can not respect an animal if you are going to kill it/exploit it. Stop twisting people's words try to it into a "Veganism is anti-indigenous" narrative. This is so typical of a carnist argument to attack the extreme outliers rather than focusing on the main issue at hand which is Animal liberation.
I’m not attacking extreme outliers here. This person who I am responding to literally just said indigenous people should be culturally re educated to be vegan. Am I the only one who sees a problem with that? I don’t think veganism is anti indigenous. Not at all. I just think that suggesting that cultural re education, WHICH THIS USER IS SUGGESTING WE DO, is a bad idea because indigenous people in Canada were literally subject to cultural re education (aka cultural genocide) until the 1990s. It’s just not ok to suggest that kind of thing. You wouldn’t suggest making a ghetto for Jewish people in the 1970s, even if it’s for some reason that would benefit them, because trauma is real and suggesting the same method of trauma, even if it’s for a positive end goal, is just not ok.
Animal liberation is the goal, any culture - whether it's indigenous or not - will evolve as culture always has. I come from a culture where women are explicitly 2nd class citizens, do you want me to continue following that culture just because it's my culture? I would hope not.
If we're going to tackle all of humanity's ills, we need to think more macro, which involves the global collective. Whether it's hunting/farming animals, cultural practices that promote inequality, or even disposing of casinos that promote all of society's ills, predominantly addictions like gambling and alcoholism. I mean, would you go to bat for indigenous peoples that practice cannibalism? (I know it's an antiquated example, but it's to make a point.)
No, we've got to think Big. And that includes everyone.
I just don’t think that cultural re education for a small group that has no large impact on the environmental or ethical concerns of the meat industry is a great idea. Indigenous communities don’t use meat in the same way we do, nor is factory farming a key part of their culture, and suggesting an act that’s inflicted great cultural trauma is just a bad idea. Encouraging veganism is fine. Including indigenous people in efforts to decrease meat consumption is fine. But cultural re education, which is what the original person was suggesting, is just not acceptable considering cultural re education was genocide the last time it happened. I am not opposed to veganism or the idea that indigenous people should be vegan, I am opposed to what the original commenter said, that re education is necessary to erase meat consumption from indigenous culture. Key word is re education because it’s just wrong to suggest that for any indigenous person
Sorry, but suggesting that we culturally re educate indigenous Americans and Canadians is just not something I want to do considering there is years of generational trauma in Canada from residential schools, aka cultural re education centres. I was skeptical of the idea that vegans on this site were racist, and I think the majority aren’t, but you are literally suggesting cultural re education for a group that experienced genocide several times already over the same exact idea. I’m astounded that you think that’s ok.
Have you ever heard the story of the communist that turned to veganism after being told that he was a liberal for drinking milk and eating eggs?
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