Seems like the chuds won’t leave you guys alone lately, just know you aren’t alone and we have your back.

Just checking in on you guys really

    • Axr [any]
      4 years ago

      The accelerated decline of the fascist american regime has exposed the sham that is a big portion of "anglo-leftism". Societies in decay at every level clinging to propaganda and petty personal privileges funded by the most brutal crimes against humanity. Absent the ability to compete, americans want to perpetuate imperialism to make up for it. These people will rot in history as fundamental enemies of humanity, their societies have no future.

      What can you expect of people living under a regime that needed a total genocide of entire civilizations and slavery to develop, and which has been at war its entire history? these people don't realize how imperialism has concealed the incompetence and inferiority of their system, which can no longer be sustained. Many americans are in denial about how this reality, hence their insistence on clinging to propaganda.