They literally just switched it to something else. If you're on gabapentin for anything off-label (anxiety, bipolar disorder, ect) then, congrats, you're a victim of the opioid crisis!

Not to mention all the abandonded addicts held captive by their own country's medical system. I know people that are being denied help because a doctor prescribed them something that makes them a red flag patient. They didn't want to be an addict you told them it was their only hope!

Please ignore me I'm manic rn

  • hauntingspectre [he/him]
    5 years ago

    Rural Midwest. I know where you're coming from. Luckily I'm at least in a semi competitive district, but that's of little compensation when it's Republican vs Republican-lite. We've stood up a drug court that has had zero clients (somehow no one meets their very exacting criteria), which is about the most lib thing imaginable.

    That anti legalization vote was a real kick in the junk. Such an easy win, but the Dems are so afraid of their own shadow they would rather condemn people to prison than make things slightly better for everyone.

      • hauntingspectre [he/him]
        5 years ago

        I understand. I love having libs say things like "quit living in a red state". The electoral map has poisoned their brains. 58% to Trump also means 42% "not Trump", you assholes. Trying to get good folks into local power has been mildly successful, since municipal positions don't have affiliations on the ballot. But once you go to county and above (and county is a lot of power, especially in rural areas!), gotta publish affiliations on the ballot.

        I remember just how baffling it was for journalists to discover that, if you live in rural areas and lose your license because you're behind on court payments, people are gonna drive. Have to make $ to pay off the court, and if you get popped, that's more $, but you gotta keep driving. Keep doing it, and you wind up in jail. The journalists didn't understand that's how it works when you're poor.