BringBackSerbMilf [none/use name]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2022


  • alright, goodnight.

    I don’t know or care if there’s some universal truth to eating animals being unjust

    That seems like a pretty fucked up, lib thing to say but go off I guess.

    veganism is fine, but it’s not communism.

    If it's not, it should be. And more and more, the two are becoming interwoven, as well they should, as well they need to be.

  • I spend an enormous amount of time around wildlife, it's part of my fucking job actually. And it requires no anthropomorphization and it does not mean that their suffering is identical to human suffering (no shit, you don't need to be an animal expert to recognize this obvious reality). Their experience, their suffering is real. And just as a colonial power could never understand the experience and suffering of a colonized populous, the fact that you write it off as "different therefore invalid" means you are not. a. leftist. That's really what your whole argument boils down to, their suffering is different than human suffering, therefore it doesn't need to be considered or valued.

    lol. It has nothing to do with how I "read them on an emotional level." I don't need to to regard them as worthy of NOT TORTURING THEM TO DEATH BECAUSE THEY TASTE GOOD.

  • Yeah, I guess you're right, the ability to experience suffering doesn't count as something that might bind things together into any kind of category. If it ain't human, fuck it! Right?

    What's our question? About distinctions existing? Yeah, they do. And guess qhat, distinctions between human lineages exist too! Oh no.

  • BringBackSerbMilf [none/use name]tofood*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Right, that's exactly what is meant by "exploitation" in Marxist theory. So smrt. Even if that were the case, our inability to separate out the use of things like wind and land from SENTIENT FUCKING BEINGS that feel pain and are capable of suffering is just testament to our inability to empathize with anything than isn't "like" you. That's a very typical liberal problem that you suffer from and you'd do well to do some self crit on it if you think of yourself as anything beond a larping leftist. Really, this is kindergarten-level discourse.

  • Now who needs their citations? :blob-no-thoughts:

    Doesn't matter though, who gives a shit about matters of "vastly greater" (as defined by who?) degree. Exploitation is exploitation and suffering is suffering. Period. Fucking nerd.

  • BringBackSerbMilf [none/use name]tofood*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Citations needed for it being anything else. And if you want to limit it to "human" then why not limit it to a specific class or race of human? Exploitation is exploitation. Suffering is suffering. If you aren't interested in the abolition of all of it, then I would contend you are not. a. leftist.

  • BringBackSerbMilf [none/use name]tofood*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    So is fascism.

    Edit for your edit: They weren't fake, but they weren't the perfect arbiters of leftism either and if you think there haven't been advances in leftist thought or that we can't do better than leftists of a century ago then you're missing out on understanding the evolution and progress that has been made in all that time.

  • BringBackSerbMilf [none/use name]tofood*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    If you don't know what has been going on the last few days with c/vegan, the practical relitigation of the old VCJ fiasco, the resulting bans, and the removal of an entire comm that was there for the sake of people on this site to voice complaints, then I guess this post was just bad timing. That just seems unlikely to me.