That's beautiful and inspiring but what can an American activist actually do about it now? Pressure has been put on all the traditional levers. The money never dried up for the IDF and their job is just about done. If you remove the emotions from this, efforts could probably be better spent elsewhere, yeah?
No, but common misperception. During the 2000 election, the WWE did a JUST VOTE campaign and sent The Rock to both conventions. He said he was there for bipartisan reasons but the GOP gave him a more plum spot at their event (introducing Dick Cheney) so many people perceived him as a Republican after that even though Biden in 2020 was his first ever official public endorsement.
Also, funny story about that campaign. The WWE actually was doing a bipartisan "Rock Tha Vote" campaign in 2000 until the night before the election. Then Jerry Lawler went on Monday Night Raw and went on a diatribe against Gore/Lieberman because Vince McMahon told him to.