Nairbo [he/him,none/use name]

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Someone help me frame a question during a Q&A session with execs tomorrow. It’s supposedly anonymous but I am using a burner account anyway to avoid getting my ass fired. Backstory is that our company made record profits last quarter, paid out shareholder dividends, paid out 7 figure executive salaries including to the failson CEO, all the while asking employees to take an annual payfreeze in December (which is when the pay raises go into effect)

    "‘What is the rationale behind paying out shareholder dividends and 7 figure executive bonuses despite asking your workers to take a pay freeze during a quarter where ____ Communications made millions more during Q1 this year than last year?’

    I can word this better but I want to concern troll it hard enough that it has people questioning it themselves, I of course don’t expect a real answer

  • Nairbo [he/him,none/use name]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I'm in a similar boat, my boss's work profile says Obama under the question of who he'd most like to meet. On the other hand there's a 21 Jordan Peterson devotee who constantly talks about how we should save the company money so they can reinvest it back into the company, when I asked if he meant shareholders' pockets he got super pissy.