Telcontar [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 17th, 2022


  • Way to maintain the spoiler tag 😂. Yeah, that's what happens. The movie could be interpreted as vaguely lefty up until that point, but that cements it as centrist drivel, its messaging boils down to "noooo, the actual nazis win if poor POC and police fight, we must rally under the national flag one and all and defend civilised, polite France instead of playing into their hands and fighting one another".

  • Except for the dogshit twist at the end, when it is revealed that:


    The initial murder was perpetrated by a white supremacist group that dressed up in police uniforms and posted the video of the killing online with the deliberate intention of starting a race war. You know, because the actual police being systemically racist is too out there.

  • I typically enjoy the movies that come out of it, though in all honesty I think the last year or two have seen more duds than any others. As for the other stuff... I don't think we should really evaluate a studio based on its brand and who it tries to appeal to. What matters more is the finance behind it, what is the model that allows A24 to put out weirder or more unique movies than Disney or Universal or whatever, and is that changing? Last year, they got a 255 million dollar investment and took the guy behind it on board. They are set to release a huge Civil War epic by Alex Garland pretty soon. When you make movies like that, expensive, large-scale movies instead of off-beat character-focused stories, you need a lot of cash. And people who are likely to provide you with that kind of cash usually want to have a say in where their money goes (e.g. compare Eggers' movies produced by A24 at the height of their independence, and The Northman). I think that the next couple of years will see A24 become less of an indie darling and more of a normal studio like Searchlight, not overnight and not immediately on the same level, but it's hard to see how the things they've become known for can fit with their new ambitions and the model that they require.

  • I completely agree with everything you said. There is also the dimension of the politicians of the liberal democracies in the EU and US not wanting to be seen as standing idly by while the war goes on, so they impose sanctions and tell their people it's a worthwhile thing to do. Otherwise their ratings might drop if the people are angry about the situation in Ukraine, and their leaders seen as uninterested.