Jonestown was a leftist paradise before well you know, don't use it to describe chuds.
Jonestown was a leftist paradise before well you know, don't use it to describe chuds.
And what color did europeans think prester john was? Racism is internalized much like gender roles are, and this internalization exists entirely within white people, it has always existed even before colonialism put a name towards it, to claim that racism began during colonialism is to deny the existence of white and black people itself. Black people exist, they are a culture and a race and in need of preservation and whites have always sought the destruction of blacks. I recommend you read the works of Wallace Fard Muhammad to educate yourself on history of white people pre-colonialization.
I think the problem is ancient society didn't have a meta understating of identity like we do so documenting their true beliefs on the matter is harder. That doesn't mean racism didn't exist, we need to press the fact that white people throughout all of human history have been racist.
The only time in history Catholics have been oppressed, and I mean only time, nowadays I really don't give a shit what the Irish think, they aren't oppressed like blacks and are no different than any white.
But when was it invented? I say it's before colonialism.
I would go to whatever bathhouse they molested the little boys in and blow it up. Imagine human progress without anymore Greek philosopher pedos.
Is there any examples of Greeks discriminating against other Greeks because they were black? I mean we talk about racism as this colonial concept but it must have deeper roots than that, white people must be inherently racist or else racism would not exist.
Didn't religion as a justification for racism start during colonialism? This thread is to question if racism has always existed throughout human history and if not the farthest back we can pin it existing.
The Indians had very little contact with Europeans right? So the light skinned population in India arose separately from the one in Europe? Why are white people predispositioned towards racism?
The natives are black, the whites in north africa are the result of thousands of years of proto colonialist and actual colonialist invaders and are a minority.
I think looking at race as a purely colonial concept is racist in of itself, white people have always been racist, even in cultures that weren't truly white like the arabs or indians the lighter skinned people always ruled the darker skinned people. Why though?
Like what's the earliest can we document a white person being racist against black people?
Aren't north africans black?
I thought it was the other way with pale blonds being seen as dumb brutes and ebony africans were seen as agile and intelligent.
Didn't a Greek philosopher compare African skin to shit? Its ignorant to assume people on the Mediterranean didn't have regular encounters with black people and that there was policies against them we may or may not know about.
The colonization of Ireland may have been a model for future colonization projects but there is one key difference between what happened in Ireland than in India or America. The Irish were white, it doesn't matter if the racial scientists of the time proclaimed that the Irish were inferior to africans, in practice the Irish were treated better than any black person enslaved into chattel slavery. Oppression between whites has always been softer than white oppression of blacks, white and light skinned people throughout history have always been the oppressors no exception, they always own the most land, hold the prestigious positions, and are seen as the leaders. Black people do not think in terms of race unless forced to, whites do it naturally.