There is nothing that you gain when you create a race/ethnicity with its own unique culture, language, ect, and then just make them wholly evil and not worthy of compassion. Narratively it can make a ton of sense to have a force of nature like threat, zombies, infected, corrupted, ect. Just don't give them fucking sentience. Going to the trouble of creating a unique class of sentient beings just so you can kill them all makes no fucking sense, it's just a waste of time. Even tolkein regretted the way that he presented the Orcs and believed that they were, despite everything, redeemable.
Exactly. Here one sec I wrote a thing about this a while ago. This is a section from a lil essay I wrote about monsters in fiction where I used Mushishi and the Witcher (games) as good exacmples, and LOTR as a bad example. I made some extra line breaks for readability
With stories like these to inspire us it is easy to imagine how other stories could be different. The Lord of the Rings is a beloved work, for a variety of good reasons. But there is something off putting about the way that the story presents it’s monsters. The evil creatures of middle earth were not created in the Valar’s song of creation, they were not awakened by gods who wanted them to forge their own destinies like Elves, Men and Dwarves. They are corrupted elves, who were over generations mutilated and corrupted into the cruel and short lived orcs. It is important to understand here that middle earth is a fictional world, genius I know. It was created by Tolkein and he could have used middle earth to tell any story he could have wanted. So why did he not make a story where the corruption of the Orcs was reversed?
It does not mean that we would need to expunge Boromir’s heroism, the Battle of the Hornburg, or the Battle of Pellennor Fields. What if at the final battle, under the shadow of the great black gates of the Morranon, the enemy learned of Frodo and Sam and were preparing to dispatch a group to intercept them. But decided not to. As the realization that these Men before them were willing to sacrifice everything, not just to protect their homes and families, but also to heal the corruption of Morgoth that turned the Elves into Orcs. Their enemy didn’t want to kill them, they wanted to heal them, to free them of their vile temper, hunger, and their cruel masters. And so, at the final moment, when it seemed that all hope was lost, when the swords of men were shattered, their shields splintered, it was the mercy of a people whose former love and light were all but forgotten that saved them.
And so it was that Frodo’s burden was not lifted by happenstance after a fight between two halflings under the thrall of the one ring, but by someone who would have killed them without a second thought not a few days earlier. Perhaps Orcs are immune to the ring’s seduction so the Dark Lord need not be jealous over his subordinates envy. Thus it was an Orc who casted the one ring into the fires of mount doom, and the world was borne anew.
** I love the Lord of the Rings, but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t like to see a version that ended with the corrupted elves journeying to Lothlorien to cleanse themselves of Morgoth’s taint, and embrace their newfound kin. Seeing those who were once thralls of the dark lord regain their former wisdom and compassion would be as satisfying an end as I could hope for. This is not to say that they should simply become beautiful again, only that their minds and emotions should be returned to them. Ugliness has no correlation with cruelty and it is past time that fantasy and hollywood understood that. I am excited for a future full of stories that involve finding the humanity within the unknown and the strange. Unfortunately this is an excitement borne of a desire for escapism from our world, but what are these stories for if not to fill us with hope?**
Ugliness has no correlation with cruelty and it is past time that fantasy and hollywood understood that. I am excited for a future full of stories that involve finding the humanity within the unknown and the strange.
Been having a lot of fun making an AIDungeon world in this vein, about a strange dimension populated by demon/Lovecraft inspired creatures but the most unambiguously evil faction is the human-run fantasy version of the East India Trading Company that showed up to colonize the place. Looking forward to when publishing worlds is implemented so I can share it.
I love this idea! This jives with my general feeling that the "high elf" archetype should be the antagonists.
Orcs are weird and Tolkien admitted he never quite figured that one out to his own satisfaction. From what I've gathered, he started with Melkor creating the Orcs and Balrogs and Dragons and stuff but revised anyone but Eru Illuvatar having access to the Secret Fire because it conflicted a bit too hard with his Catholicism to have the Vala make conscious life. The whole bit with Aule creating the Dwarves falls goes into it a bit. The courrupted elf angle never sat well with him either because that has its own issue of course. Basically he wasn't happy with the orc origins, didn't really know how to solve it but they were already in the Lord of the Rings, possibly because The Hobbit featured goblins and he was folding two separate worlds when writing LOTR to some degree and then died before finishing The Silmarillion. So as far as authorial intent goes, he did at least plan to fix it.
Also this is sort of why I like Tolkien and not most fantasy. Since there's only LOTR and The Hobbit for actual finished work the entire backstory was an interpreted gathering of notes and piecing together various drafts and whatnot which are now mostly all available to compare. Kind of like how actual myths have several versions all originally told by dead guys and we're getting it second hand from people piecing it together.
The Silmarillion is fairly exhaustive, at least in so far as any allegorical pre-history fantasy legend can be. And it was an enjoyable read.
So as far as authorial intent goes, he did at least plan to fix it.
I think the whole "Problem With Orcs" is overstated, particularly in the wake of an ultra-nationalist global conflict. If you consider these monsters the product of historical condition, and acknowledge that they're from the same stock as Elves, you can see them as a culture rather than a race. These are a people who have been born into trauma, surviving it only long enough to inflict it upon their children and their neighbors. They're a physical manifestation of cycles of violence and poverty created by the social structure to which they are born.
While there are no orc characters in JRR Tolkein's work that can explore this concept, there is the character of Gollum. He has also gone through a comparable corruptive change through his exposure to Power, the commission of grisly murders, the subject of horrific physical abuse and isolation, and the obsession with recovery of that Power. He's a very close parallel to an orc in the setting, and presents probably one of the most interesting character-studies in fantasy novels to date.
Orcs being corrupted elves could work along a similar line to Gollum since if I recall Morgoth got to a decent amount of elves before the other Valar entered Arda. That's essentially the stone age for elves so there would be plenty of time for that to work. Doesn't do much to explain what dragons and balrogs are.
It could even be less obvious than that where Arda is 'Morgoth's Ring' in that he poured a decent amount of his essence into the world to corrupt it so if he were to do so more directly to elves then they could even be fed by a desire to recreate the world in their image and the world itself is what drives the orcs into a degree of Gollum esque obsession. I need sources in front of me to bring it all together but that's been my general interpretation (of an incomplete work, head canon is way more acceptable for this kind of thing).
Doesn’t do much to explain what dragons and balrogs are.
Balrogs are corrupted Maia - minor gods, of which Sauron (once called Mairon) was the most powerful. The Balrog that Gandalf faced in the Mines of Moria was, I believe, a corrupted minor god of fire.
Dragons aren't explicitly defined as being derived from anything prior. However, one could surmise they were corrupted versions of some other ancient Mega-fauna of an earlier age.
Incidentally, Trolls are corrupted Ents.
It could even be less obvious than that where Arda is ‘Morgoth’s Ring’ in that he poured a decent amount of his essence into the world to corrupt it so if he were to do so more directly to elves then they could even be fed by a desire to recreate the world in their image and the world itself is what drives the orcs into a degree of Gollum esque obsession. I need sources in front of me to bring it all together but that’s been my general interpretation (of an incomplete work, head canon is way more acceptable for this kind of thing).
Definitely possible. Although, I think the ability to "corrupt" something is simply a power possessed by Valar and Maiar, in line with their power to mold creation as gods. The One Ring just happened to be a vessel for Sauron's god-power, and so the means to corrupt any near it.
The Morgoth's Ring idea came from a letter or something along those lines so it's hardly set in stone. His dominance over Arda for such a long time before the initial intervention of the Valar and the amount of his own energy put into it is similar to what Sauron did with The Ring but on a worldwide scale. So perhaps early elves prior to travelling to Valinor would be easier tempted and the effect be deeper since this happened literally at the beginning of elves being in the world. It seems the higher up in the pantheon you are the greater but less direct your power is. Saurumon could bend people with his voice, Sauron could bend Numenor to his will through manipulation and Morgoth can influence the very fabric of creation but they all take a degree of permanent power invested in doing so.
I am excited for a future full of stories that involve finding the humanity within the unknown and the strange. Unfortunately this is an excitement borne of a desire for escapism from our world, but what are these stories for if not to fill us with hope?
You've exactly put into words why I like reading fantasy and SF more than other genres.
Plus you forever preclude the much cooler possibility of vibing out at a Moria Goblin rave
I mean, the whole objective conception of alignment is bullshit, but a sentient species like illithids being heavily predisposed to what we would see as evil makes sense to me. Like those dudes eat nothing but brains of sentient beings and reproduce through parasitism. Their moral instincts are probably pretty fucked up by design.
Guess it depends on the genre, the tone and the setting, like I don't have a problem with the Locust from Gears of War just being gleefully evil hyperaggressive monsters that love beating humans to death with their own arms.
100%. It shuts out a vast number of roleplaying and storytelling possibilities, leaving only "they're bad, so you get to kill them all and take their stuff guilt-free." There is a disheartening number of people to whom this fantasy is not only appealing, but so cherished that they will flip their shit when you suggest alternatives.
Really fucking boring. Just straight up clicking a trigger button on repeat in a murder simulator is the weakest shit.
i almost just want to shake these morons and point out the entire reason they are so enthralled by the world in bloodborne, but can't remember what they did for an entire 20 hours in other fantasy games is because of the more intricate characterizations that come from not just making everything evil for no reason.
it's like that bit from the rlm videos about how you don't notice, but your brain does. if the characters are capable of complex motivations, then there's a reason for the player to care why the game world is the way it is and an underlying logic to how everything functions. you can actually infer and extrapolate things from the game world which is why there are a bajillion lore videos for bloodborne while nobody gave a fuck what the aliens in crysis were doing.
Counterpoint: Shitloads of lore videos about Modern Warfare and the bad guys in that series have no motivations other than being bad guys
There are hundreds of 'lore' videos for everything. Some nerd probably has a four hour video explaining the plot to Pac Man, it will be called an analysis even though it's just a summary of what happens. Also the overuse of the term 'lore' bothers me.
Some nerd probably has a four hour video explaining the plot to Pac Man
I see someone's never played Pac-Man: Adventures In Time.
I've felt this way about the 'humanoid' races in DnD that speak Common and do all the people things, but are okay to murder because they're supposed to be the evil races.
They're always coded to be either black or roma or mongolian or whichever otherized group in western culture.
In my homebrew 5e campaign I made my orcs Italian, and half-orcs italian-american.
I love that line because it shows that an orc knows what a menu is. I'd be shocked if menues were even a thing. I want to edit the books to include all the wacky bits from the movies.
I'm imagining orcs with curly mustaches wearing chef's hats and tossing pizzas
One of the recurring villains is a half-orc pirate named 'Il Barbaro' who shows up with increasingly large hats. His crew slicks their hair back with whale oil.
I'm going to take the artistic liberty to read that as "The Second Barbaro" and it's inspiring me to name a future villain or NPC in that fashion while leaving the origin of it a secret or plot hook.
Barbaro, the Unbroken Line, will be featured in the magic super prison my players will be visiting tonight
I'd be into Gotham being Silent Hill for Bruce Wayne. It could be his Twilight Zone punishment for going full Batman in just like, a normal place without supervillains. That or Gotham is a totally normal place and the comic depiction is how Batman sees the world cause he's a fucking weirdo. You could wrangle some kind of good story out of that.
i played a game of dnd once online and didnt realize i was playing with literal nazis until there was an extremely heavyhanded metaphor towards the goblins being jews and that killing their babies was very good because theyre innately evil
only took 2 or 3 sessions to figure it out though
Instead of evil races it should be evil factions but yeah ofc gamers don't want to hear this.
Dunmer are actually pretty ok in lore because of Morrowind. The author popped all of the drugs at once and slammed out some real crazy shit.
Yeah, but it's not hard-coded in their blood to do those things. You can meet a few High Elves who are either saddened by or actively resiting the Aldmeri Dominion. Some of them even face racist remarks despite not even being part of the Dominion.
You can meet Nords who are bothered by Ulfric's nationalist vendetta against the Empire.
Also, all the khajiit you meet (even if they are technically committing crimes) are almost always welcoming and friendly towards you. A lot of their illicit activities only occur because they're not allowed to enter cities in Skyrim if they're part of a caravan.
Also not sure where you're getting orientalism from Argonian. They're much closer to Native Americans , both North and South, in terms of culture.
With Assyrian and Babylonian thrown in there, as well. They're a good example of fantasy counterpart cultures done right in that the mix of cultures is too well-integrated to pick apart.
The lore of TES is apparently more complicated than that but you have to read the books in the games to see that and most people's understanding of it comes from Skyrim's main quest and its Civil War which are very simplistic.
I thought everyone in 40K was bad, is there really a good tyranid?
Isn't 'nid hivemind sentient? In this case they are fulfilling their biological functions exactly in the way humans are.
Yeah, I think 40K gets a pass because the humans in that setting are as bad as everyone else.
Tyrannids are the rats who banded with their rat friends to end this madness once and for all
Gamers are an evil species that must be annihilated, apparently
I was reading some Warhammer lore and the Skaven (rat-men) are a terrible example of this. Literally all evil and selfish, they only work together out of fear of a larger skaven enslaving them. Hundreds of pages of lore on them, but zero nuance.
Oh they're cool, I'm joining a campaign playing them. But it's unfortunate that the writers insist they have a biological imperative for evil.
That's annoying. Honestly, the whole Zoroastrian model of fantasy settings is a problem in its own right.