On this day in 1919, the Limerick Soviet (Irish: Sóibhéid Luimnigh) formed during a general strike, one of a number of self-declared Irish workers' soviets that were formed around Ireland between 1919 and 1923.
The soviet was formed in the context of the Irish War of Independence, fought between the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and the British government, and was sustained for a period of about two weeks.
The workers' rebellion began in response to British Army Brigadier Griffin declaring the city to be a "Special Military Area", with permits required for all wanting to enter and leave the city and British Army troops and armored vehicles deployed to the area. On April 11th, a meeting of the United Trades and Labour Council took place where a representative from the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union (ITGWU), Sean Dowling, proposed that the trade unions take over Town Hall and have meetings there.
After a twelve-hour discussion and lobbying of the delegates by workers, a general strike was called on April 13th, by the city's United Trades and Labour Council. A special strike committee was set up to print their own money, control food prices, and publish newspapers, and these actions had support from many workers outside the city.
After two weeks, the Sinn Féin Lord Mayor of Limerick and the Catholic Bishop Denis Hallinan called for the strike to end. The Strike Committee capitulated, issuing a proclamation on April 27th, stating that the strike was over.
The story of the Limerick soviet, 1919 - D.R. O'Connor Lysaght :hammer-sickle:
@Spirit_of_Communism Post on the 1920 Irish General Strike :trouble:
Imagine a 32 county Soviet Republic of Ireland :connolly-shining:
Hola Camaradas :fidel-salute-big: , Our Comrades In Texas are currently passing Through some Hard times :amerikkka: so if you had some Leftover Change or are a bourgeoisie Class Traitor here are some Mutual Aid programs that you could donate to :left-unity-3:
Here is a list of Trans rights organizations you can support :cat-trans:
Here are some resourses on Prison Abolition :brick-police:
Alexander, M - ‘The New Jim Crow’ (2010)
Davis, A - ‘Are Prisons Obsolete’ (2003)
Jackson, G. - ‘Blood in My Eye’ (1972)
Vitale A.S - ‘The End of Policing’ (2017)
https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/angela-y-davis-are-prisons-obsolete :angela:
Foundations of Leninism :flag-su:
:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:
Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:
Remember, sort by new you :LIB:
Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:
Follow the Hexbear twitter account :comrade-birdie:
THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:
Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:
!genzedong@hexbear.net :deng-salute:
!strugglesession@hexbear.net :why-post-this:
!libre@hexbear.net :anarxi:
!neurodiverse@hexbear.net :Care-Comrade:
I'm going to be honest, I will ride this community until this site ends. Ride or die motherfucker. Don't care who leaves, regardless of how sad it is.
I can't help but notice the striking number of people who say they're leaving and come back a couple days later. There really is no website quite like this one, so if you're terminally online like nearly all of us are you HAVE to come back.
I am definitely amongst that number. Said I was leaving for a hot second, assumed it'd be like a few weeks, and then was back like three days later because where the fuck else am I going to go?
i had to take a few days off of the internet for real life shit a while ago, and when i returned the sub was just gone. i didn't even get to see the last shitposts of my comrades :negative:
never again. one way or another i will be posting until the last breath of this site
It seems disrespectful to say "I don't really care about the drama" so I'm sorry to anyone if it is
New character idea: conservative who's fiercely anti-cop but only because they have a union
Conservative who's anti-cop because they don't let him drive drunk
This is unironically /r/neoliberal's position. Their ideology says public unions are bad, whatever, but they always use police unions as an argument for stripping away teachers and all public sector unions. The two are not the same at all
I mean there are probably quite a few "libertarians" who are exactly like this.
They found graffiti in Pompeii that reads "We two dear men, friends forever, were here. If you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus."
Just dudes rocking in Ancient Rome.
Also I definitely need to get more sleep because I just earnestly panicked for a moment that I was doxxing whoever Gaius and Aulus were.
There's some serious chemistry between these two conductors on my train home. They're having a great time together wow. I ship them.
Ngl, I want to hear how train conductors flirt.
You think they're more interested in High speed or Heavy Rail?
Tbh they might have just been good friends but their body language was preeeeetty friendly ifyaknowhatimean 👀
She looked like she was there for the heavy rail but honestly I'm not sure he was bringing it.
My partner is watching Arrested Development with me for the first time and it's so fun to see someone's reactions that hasn't seen it 10+ times.
I decided to become a jump rope guy and ordered a jumping rope on the internet. Wish me luck comrades. :arm-L: :virgil-sad: :arm-R:
I can hear the whirring of a rapid pace as the sudden sharp sting of the rope impacting my face I realize I was doing it backward.
Fuck yeah, doing it for combat sports, or just for exercise?
I always found learning jumprope tricks made it more fun for me
Just for exercise, it seems like something I could do when I want to do some cardio but don't have the energy to go running. Is it used in combat sports training?
Yeah, most combat sports classes open with like 15 minutes of skipping rope, broken up into the length of a round.
I love it though, it's a great way to get that mid intensity carsio
How fucking dystopian is the term "peace officer" the Minnesota police keep using
this is why you steal half of what you bring to self checkout kiosks
I stole about $30 worth of groceries the other day in self checkout, the employee came over and it got me worried but he just made me re-pay for the bags I used because he saw me mark it down as using zero bags lol
I feel like that about a lot of "TECHNOLOGY"
The bourgeoisies constantly revolutionising the means of production or however the quote goes.
Amazon is mail order catalogues + laxer labour laws + post crisis capital reshuffling
Derek Chauvin trial highlight:
Barry Brodd , "use of force expert" and retired pig on the stand for the defense. He testified that pressing someone against the ground to restrain them was not inherently a use of force because it was unlikely to cause pain. “It doesn’t hurt,” he said. “You’ve put the suspect where it’s safe for you, the officer, safe for the the suspect, and you’re using minimal effort to keep them on the ground.”
Prosecutor asks if George Floyd saying "everything hurts" is "an expression of pain"
Brodd: "It could be."
Unsurprisingly, Brodd said Chauvin was justified in killing George Floyd.
Use of force expert sounds made up as fuck, per usual there is a :citations-needed:
Click the emote :che-smile:
Barry Brodd , “use of force expert” and retired pig on the stand for the defense. He testified that pressing someone against the ground to restrain them was not inherently a use of force because it was unlikely to cause pain. “It doesn’t hurt,” he said. “You’ve put the suspect where it’s safe for you, the officer, safe for the the suspect, and you’re using minimal effort to keep them on the ground.”
I like how in the american justice system, it is the word of a fascist pig vs. a pulmonary expert that explained with minutia and compassion, how dangerous that use of force turned out to be.
If we truly, really, started believing in science. These fuckers would get the wall.
if you are an AI/ machine learning programmer, I hope your implicit bias is influencing the AIs of the future to be communist
My friend keeps telling me how she just wants to sit in the sun, or she needs to sit in the sun to recharge for a bit. Help, i think my friend's been replaced by a snek
New Megathread now on LST @TheDeed @WhyEssEff @quartz242 @kitten @star_wraith @Lydia @itsPina
The Irishman frees himself from slavery when he realizes the truth that the capitalist system is the most foreign thing in Ireland. The Irish question is a social question. The whole age-long fight of the Irish people against their oppressors resolves itself in the last analysis into a fight for the mastery of the means of life, the sources of production, in Ireland. Who would own and control the land? The people, or the invaders; and if the invaders, which set of them - the most recent swarm of land thieves, or the sons of the thieves of a former generation?
-- James Connelly :connolly-shining:
If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain. England would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.
- James Connolly :ira:
I'm really partial to
Our demands most moderate are: we only want the earth.
What a legendary quote.
Holy shit if all vaccines sucked this hard I would consider becoming an anti-vaxx weirdo just as a means of avoiding my shots. My partner and I had terrible fevers throughout the night. Sweats and shakes the entire time and now the morning after I’ve got a terrible splitting headache and my sense of motor skill coordination feels a little fucked. Get your shots boys and girls but make sure you schedule the next day off of work