They should have written all three films before even starting the first one. It was a four billion dollar franchise, and I don't understand why they wouldn't do that.
Seriously, it feels like one of those school assignments where you start writing something then pass it off to the person next to you with no context.
kid with chocolate smeared on his face gets it last, writes "and then palpatine comes back and has 1000 death star star destroyers but they kill him"
The Star Destroyers in my setting are all FUCKING HUNG and their massive dongs require a special gizmo to even leave their local gravity well. That's how cool they are.
Abrams' films have such playground energy. Literally did the "its the death star but bigger" visualized and everything in TFA and the holograms. Though I guess tbf they used that design for the Xyston apparently because they had no choice but to use the RO ISD model due to budget and time.......which once more returns us to the fact that jesus christ they just told a crew that was a revolving door to make a final film in a year and then did nothing but make things more difficult
It means they built a story around reusing assets and not having a script day to day
Because they wanted to gauge the reactions of people apparently, they just suck at doing it.
I get imposter syndrome real bad when it comes to my writing
Then I remember that people shovel money out their ass wallets for a Star War
They will love my book series about stabbing kings and magic robots
so uh.. you got a link to this bookseries about magitek regicide bots, or... ?
Not yet, currently attempting to finish A King of Ruin: Book One of the Kingkiller Saga
Been feeling a strong creative force these last few days and I've been juggling writing this and a new Fallout game, Fallout: Great Midwest
Kingkiller Saga sounds too similar to Kingkiller Chronicle, but I guess it's hard not running out of phrases.
It's a working title and just something I figured would be sellable
My original title was Under the Light of the Metal Moon
Under the Light of the Metal Moon
That's far more original and cool sounding
Knowing my luck, the publisher will probably be like "You need a title like Sword Fight: The First Wound" and I won't have the wherewithal to be like "no please no"
The Metal Moon title is intriguing. I don't know that I'd pick it up off a shelf but I would 100% pass by King King King: King of Kings
Man, Fallout has some real potential for some cool things having happened in the non-bombarded countries. Like imagine a world with no Great Satan.
Problem is that by the time the Great War breaks out, nearly every other nation has collapsed or been destroyed in proxy wars
Sticking with the Midwest because that's where I grew up and also gives me a reason to explore the politics of the Rust Belt
If it makes you feel any better, one of the big factions is the Union of Atomic Workers who are trying to figure out a way to revive the regions agricultural output while also whipping the shit out of the baddies with repurposed industrial tools
Nice. Please add some posadism; maybe like some people living happily and overall habing benefitted from the destruction of 'murica.
It's mainly science-fantasy, so think along the lines of Thundarr, The Barbarian and Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth
Less post-apocalyptic though
would it be kinda like the Dwemer people in Elder Scrolls lore? that sounds really cool tbh
Remember when we used to mock the EU Palpatine clones as an example of what, no matter how bland Disney made things, they would not do?
I feel so vindicated as an EU fan, despite being agnostic on Dark Empire always. I love how the stance was always random EU stuff out of context, with no self awareness that so much in canon sounds stupid if you intentionally obfuscate when giving a 1 sentence summary
1 of 2 things should've happened:
- Rian should've directed the 3rd one too
- Abrams should've directed all 3
Either probably would've resulted in something better than Rise of Skywalker.
I prefer option 1 to option 2, but at least with option 2 you could make the argument that at least then the trilogy would've consistently been one guy's vision and he wouldn't have wasted the 3rd movie pretty much just undoing the previous one that he disagreed with.
I just hate Abrams for what he did to Star Trek and hopes everything in his life turns to ashes in his hands.
At least Abrams left. Kurtzman still has his foul grasp on the franchise.
"What if the future was just capitalism but with Star Trek technology?" Fuck you CBS.
Focusing on the director is a mistake. The direction of Rise of Skywalker was mostly fine, but it was written by the guy who wrote Batman v Superman.
Lmao Terrio won an Oscar once for Argo and then he only wrote trash no one likes. Not sure when they're gonna get the message.
Lucas can't write dialogue or pace for shit, but he can write a coherent plot at least.
This hurts alll the more because they keep having moments where they approach good points and then just lose they nerve to actually do it. The robot liberation, force universality, space capitalism. All great points they immediately give up on
I wonder whether this kind of thing is intentional. If a media franchise tells a satisfying story, then you might just watch that movie and be done with it. But if they almost tell a satisfying story but leave you wanting more, then they stick in your mind and you'll come back. Like playing "shave and a haircut" without the "two bits".
I think it is an evolutioary process. usually they have half a dozen writers, each adds a cool plot, however they then remove all the rough edges of the other writers idea. So they just leave the beginning core of the idea, without it's logical conclusion... Hmm, I had never considered that might be intentional as a way to throw stuff at the wall and fill time though, that's a smart read.
lucasfilm: did u kno aliems bult da pyrmids in sout amerika?
disney: yus, more of this plz
I really wish I saw that movie in theaters, the audience reaction after that line must have been wild.
I managed to stifle my laughter through most of the movie but let out a huge "HA!" when all the ships turn up at the end.
I think I just realised that this sequel trilogy was now ending with a huge cluster fuck of a billion ships that "I recognise™". Wedge Antilles turns up and he's like 70 and you realise in that moment this is what Star Wars is now.
In any more competent film that actually earned it, that would have made me cry. Instead it felt souless. RO fucking got me with the cameos with ANH footage, but TROS was just a checklist for the while runtime
Yh lol but get really high and watch some of the scenes from the sequels
the visuals and sound are nuts I gotta give it to em
TLJ is a good movie, even a great one. It's just not a great episode 8 of a 9 episode saga. Deconstructing requires reconstruction and it's hard to do that in a single film.
I think that's the main disagreement, people who look at TLJ as a stand alone film or even part of the sequel trilogy, vs people who connect the entire series as a single unbroken plotline, broadly following the 3 part structure of an Aristotelian Tragedy.
i liked TFA and then gave up after TLJ. it wasn't a bad movie but it felt like it went in a completely different direction and didn't progress the plot much for the trilogy.
Or, and I know I'm going out on a limb here, written the whole trilogy plotline before shooting the first film.
I don't, but a 4 billion dollars pop culture project that fails so fucking bad at the cheapest yet more fundamental thing (writing) makes some giant meme waves that easily get to YankPopCultureHaters Island
imagine wanting sci fi as your fantasy. like, bro we live in scientific hell. lets return to middle earth. live off the land. ave a good pint at the ol Prancing pony