I only got like 40$ and 6 weeks of FMLA, which game will I enjoy more?
Well, I've never played Sekiro, but Disco Elysium fucking rocks. So I'd suggest Disco Elysium. I think it's also cheaper and I know it runs on shittier computers. You might not get as much play time out of it though. I don't think it'll last you 6 weeks, and maybe Sekiro would, I don't know.
Haven’t played Disco, but as a counterpoint I’ll say Sekiro is also fantastic. It’s very intense so I guess pick it if you want a sweaty palms action game and pick Disco if you don’t.
As far as length Sekiro is like 30-50 hours depending on how long bosses take you and how much side stuff you do.
I've played both and they're both very good
Sekiro definitely gets you sweaty if you're into that. It's also probably longer
Disco Elysium has a great story and you can be a communist
Up to you though, you won't be disappointed with either
I never played Sekiro I got tired of the souls games after Dark Souls 2, but a lot of people like it.
My rec would be - if you are looking for gameplay and to get sweaty you want Sekiro. If you're looking to absorb a story and REALLY get into a mood then you want Disco. Very little actual gameplay here.
My vote is Disco all day unless you think you will get bored.
Also why not just pirate both of them :P
my gaming pc is broken and it's cheaper to just buy on ps4 than fix the pc.
Not sure which is more worth your time, but why pay for artificial scarcity.
Edit: missed your comment that you needed it for PS4, sorry
I might get disco elysium for the mac, but then i have to clean out my laptop. >_>
I'm gonna go against the grain and say Sekiro sucks. Get Disco Elysium
Both are great games and I think it really depends on your preferences. Disco Elysium is my favorite game of all time, but it's definitely not for everyone since it's a purely story driven experience (which I personally vibe with but I know others feel differently). If you enjoyed the previous Miyazaki/From Soft games then you'll probably dig Sekiro once you get used to how different its combat is. I bounced off it the first time I played but picked it up again earlier this year and loved it.
Both are excellent,. If you're in the mood for a challenge and like the feeling of beating a boss after many many attempts then go for Sekiro